
Cicada Investigation 9.18.20

What I Knew Before:

I knew little to nothing about cicadas before this investigation. I knew that cicadas left their exoskeletons on the trees and that meant they could probably fly. I knew that some years there were many more that appeared than other years and that they shrieked in the trees.

What I Learned:

I learned so much during the investigation on cicadas. I learned that they can live up to 17 years. I learned that males are the only ones that scream in the trees. I learned that they live underground almost all their lives. I feel like I know so much more now than I did before this activity.

What I Still Wonder:

I still have a few unanswered questions about cicadas. I am curious to find out what they eat. I also am interested to discover what their eggs look like, if they even have eggs. Lastly, I would like to know what species of cicadas live in my state.

Water Samples 9.24.20-9.25.20

Our science classes are testing water for our local community. We are tracking many different qualities of the water. We are looking at the temperature, pH, turbidity, nitrates, nitrites, and dissolved oxygen in the water. Our first days of collection were on 9-24-20 and 9-25-20. This is a link to our collected data-

This is what I noticed from the data.

The air temperature throughout the day gradually increased on both days.

The air temperature and water temperature were very similar, but the air temperature was typically warmer than the water temperature.

The pH levels on both days were at a safe range.

There was a dramatic difference with dissolved oxygen on both days at the MJHS creek; it was in the 3 range when all the others were in the 7-8 range.

The nitrates levels were higher on the first day than on the second day, and the highest nitrate level was 40 milligrams per liter. The highest level of nitrites was at the MJHS creek with a level of 1. Most of the others were less than one; most on the second day were 0.

The water had the highest turbidity at the MJHS creek with a turbidity level of 100. The lowest was at the Boat Basin with a level of 12.6.

Microscope Lab 10.2.20

Samantha Lesnak7 microscope .pdf

Water Infographic

In this activity, we made a infographic about the data we found during our water sampling. In this infographic, I compared the air temperature to the water temperature.