Hungry Hungry Sphero 9/20/20

My Initial Design:

My design encircled the robot so it would have plenty of room to move. It had a layer of pipe cleaners on the bottom, a layer of upright popsicle sticks with another layer of pipe cleaners on the top. For my initial design, I was using popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners and straws. I was going to attach the materials using tape. I was trying to go for as little friction as possible, so I could get in and out of there as fast as possible.

What I Created:

My final design looked similar to my initial design, I only switched some materials. Instead of pipe cleaners, I used straws because they were easier and sturdier to work with. I attached the materials with tape, just like I planned. I accounted for friction the same way; as little as possible to go as fast as possible.

My Results and Ways To Improve:

I didn't do so well in the competition. My design was very small, and it kept getting pushed around by the bigger designs. Overall, I'd say it was unsuccessful, because I only got 2 cups back successfully. I could improve my design by making it bigger and finding a way to make the cups stay with my design.

S K SSB Team Slides

Seismic Safe Building

This project challenged me to think outside the box. Our initial plan was very similar to our final design, but with a few extra fortifications. We were going to go with flexible and strong, which worked very well. We ended up with a design very similiar, execpt we had a few more decorations and fortifications. We used a form of bubble wrap for the walls and filled the bottoms with sand. We used cardboard for the floors and decorations. During the quake test, our building did exactly as we hoped and moved with the earthquake instead of just falling over. To make the building better, I would make it look a little nicer; I could've made the floors more level. I learned to think outside the box and especially to trust in my teamates just as much as I trust in myself.

Snow Plow Design Challenge

Water Filtering-Samantha Les..pdf

Water Filter Design Challenge

In this Design Challenge, we had to create a water filter using specific materials in a set amount of time. My design worked relatively well, and this file shows the process I went through from start to finish.