Science in the news

The big stories of the day.There was and volcano eruption. When this volcano eruption happen was on Sunday Dec,4,2022. Where this event happen Oaha,Hawaii.And the people that where toniest and a news cast.

Splash down orion return to earth after historic.The rocket of orion landed. It landed on Sunday at 9:40. Where it landed was in the pacific ocean

A newly found t-Rex had spiked horns around his eyes.A paleontologist that discover a dins-or stolon sticking out of a cliff. This happen in 2017-2021. It happen at a cliff in North Carolina

Robotic sleeves can help kids with cerebral palsy.The University of California team plans to make a sleeve to help children with cerebral palsy. This disease originates in the brain and causes motor difficulty.

They made this product in October 2022