Rock Pocket Mouse

            Valley Of Fire

The Valley Of Fire this is a place like no other. But the main reason the valley of fire was brought to our attention was because of the animal called the Rock Pocket Mouse. This is where most pocket mice are born at and raised. but the pocket mice that live in the old lava flow are evolving and taking over its species.But these are some really cool and interesting things about these animals.

Rock Pocket Mouse

These mouses are very interesting of how many generation there are of pocket mice. There 19 different types of pocket mice and sometimes the mice are grouped into different groups of there genes. Pocket mice also live in there own environment so that way predators don't see them. But there are 2 different kinds of pocket mice that live in the Valley of Fire the white ones live towards the flaky part of the valley and the darker ones live in the old lava dusk. 

Pocket Mice Food

Pocket Mice eat seeds of grasses and fores as well as on green vegetation in spring and sometimes on insects. 


The pocket mouse has many enemies like Snakes,Owl,Hawks,Coyotes, and Foxes. Many of these animals hunt for pocket mice. That's why when a whit mice is in a dark area or over old lava flow from 1,000's of years ago.

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