
Our Key Clinical Frameworks

Social Ecological Approach

We believe that students do well when they can. We utilize Dr. Michael Ungar’s work, resources and mentorship to remain ecologically minded in order to support the best outcomes for students. Resilience is enhanced through supporting students and families to navigate their way to needed resources and negotiate for those resources that are most meaningful to the child and family; Resilience is about what is around us, not just what is inside of us.

Self Reg® View

Self Reg® is a process that recognizes that stress is a normal part of everyday life. However, sometimes there is too much stress which causes an individual’s stress alarm to be triggered. When this occurs, a student cannot present with a calm and alert brain that is required to learn. This means that sometimes we must act as stress detectives to investigate the unnecessary and unhelpful stress that occurs and causes problems. 

Relational Approach

Recognizing that many students have experienced trauma or major life stressors/adversities and these impact mental health and academic achievement; resilience focused interventions in the classroom can enhance student mental health and readiness to learn. We work with students to help them identify and cope within schools, while also supporting the school system to understand the impacts of trauma and adversity on a student’s learning brain.

Systems Theory

Mental health and well-being influences and is influenced by systems, structures and external resources. We always consider the various systems in a student’s life. This allows us to look holistically at a student’s presenting problem.

Trauma Informed, Resilience Focused

We believe that under every behaviour is a need. Misunderstood and/or unmet relational needs can impact our mental health and result in challenging behaviour. We support this process by remaining curious about the student’s needs and collaborating with the school system to foster a sense of safety, security and belonging. We are attachment focused and believe in the Circle of Security® Framework and Interventions to guide our work.