June 25th Parent Letter From Mr. Flowers 20-21 Summer Planning
From Mr. Flowers
June 25, 2020
OUR Relentless Pursuit To Get Better
HISD Parents/Guardians:
The 2020-2021 school year is just around the corner. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of our school, community, state and country. HISD is planning to resume school safely and responsibly while "juggling" all of the unknown and uncertain variables. In spite of these challenges, we are confident and excited: No Fear in the New Year!
First, let me assure you that HISD is working diligently to provide a safe emotional and physical environment in which to learn and work. The health and safety of students and staff are paramount in every decision being made.
Safety measures being instituted include: 1) the purchase of Infrared Body Temperature Detectors that will allow us to screen incoming traffic with high accuracy and effectiveness. 2) the purchase of Automatic Hand Sanitizer Stands that can be placed throughout the campuses. 3) the purchase of the Clorox Total 360 System electrostatic sprayer for better germ protection. These "extra" measures are in addition to our normal procedures and other TEA guidance that must be followed. On July 8th, a full overview of 2020-2021 safety protocols will be provided.
How to "re-engage" in learning is a challenge, but HISD is ready. The first day of school is August 13th and the help of staff and parents will be needed to make it successful.
Remote Learning & In-Building Learning will be the choices to consider. Our goal is to share valuable information with our parents/guardians that will allow them to make the best choice for their student. In the coming weeks, the following will be provided to HISD Parents:
HISD Parent Survey (July 1)
Comprehensive Description of HISD District Safety Protocols (July 8) o HISD Distance Learning Plan (Asynchronous) (July 15) o HISD Parents' Frequently Asked Questions (July 22)
Parents wiil be given an "election period" to select either traditional learning (face-to-face instruction) or distance learning for students. Beginning July 23rd, parents will be able to choose their preferred learning method. This will be done by visiting "election links" posted on the District website and campus Facebook pages. The window will remain open until August 2nd. Once selected, the method chosen will be provided for a minimum of one semester, barring any unforeseen closures. Students will be placed in a traditional setting if an election option is not chosen from July 23rd to August 2nd.
As of now. this is our schedule for "jump starting" the 2020-2021 school year.
It's A Great Time To Be A Red Devil!!