FAQ Updated Aug. 6

Huntington ISD 2020-21

Frequently Asked Questions

Updated September 24, 2020


Why is Huntington ISD offering families options? Why not offer full remote or full in-building instruction?

  • Huntington ISD wants to ensure that we are taking care of the needs of both our students and our staff. We know each one of us has unique, individual needs and that a “one size fits all” option might not work for each of us.

  • Offering both options provides HISD the flexibility to finish school on May 20, 2021 rather than having to make up days in June and July, 2021.

Where is Huntington ISD receiving its guidance?

  • Huntington ISD is receiving guidance from multiple sources:

  • Mr. Flowers is in constant contact with Texas Superintendents throughout the state to share their thinking and plans around COVID-19.

  • Numerous groups and individuals have been consulted to review our plans, including campus principals, district technology personnel, and trusted superintendents throughout the state.

  • We have parents and community members from the medical community who have been invaluable in providing guidance on health and safety.

  • The school nurses receive frequent information from state and local health entities and agencies and meet weekly with school nurses from the region.

  • The District receives information from federal, state and local agencies and organizations.

What should families with health issues or a high-risk member of the household choose?

  • Each family must consider their unique situation to make a personal determination. We are providing as much information known at the time so families can make informed decisions.

How will attendance be monitored in a virtual environment?

  • Engagement will determine whether students are “present” each day. Engagement is determined in the following ways:

    • Daily progress via teacher-student interactions, as defined in the approved learning plan; or

    • Completion/Turn-in of assignments from student to teacher (potentially via email, on-line, or mail).

Does attendance in the virtual method of instruction affect a student’s ability to receive credit in a course?

  • The minimum attendance for class credit rule of TEC, §25.092, will be in effect for the 2020–2021 school year, and TEA will not be issuing waivers for LEAs to exempt themselves from the rule. PK-5 students must be marked “present” by 10 am each day. Grades 6-12 students are required to attend at least 90% of each class to receive credit for each class. Remote attendance will count in the same manner as on-campus attendance in satisfying this requirement.

What special services will be required to be delivered at HISD?

  • Students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) that require the following (list is not exhaustive):

    • occupational therapy, physical therapy, visually impaired instruction, orientation and mobility, speech therapy, special education counseling, auditorily impaired instruction.

    • students identified as English Limited (EL).

    • students identified as Dyslexic receiving dyslexia therapy

Will poor attendance in the virtual method of instruction result in referrals to truancy court for parents and students?

  • Truancy laws will apply to students who fail to attend school in a face-to-face or distance learning environment. Distance learners who adhere to remote attendance requirements will satisfy attendance requirements. Campus principals will have meetings with virtual learners on that campus to detail those requirements. (Updated August 4)

How long is the commitment for in-building/remote instruction?

  • Because of the complexities inherent in these options, individuals must make a commitment for one grading period (nine weeks), Aug. 20 through Oct. 16. Understandably, there may be instances where a student or staff member needs to quickly default to remote learning due to illness or unique circumstances. If so, these needs will be accommodated to maintain the health and well-being of those impacted and to ensure the safety of those in the building.

When will notifications of choice be made?

  • The election period is from July 23 to August 6. Election links will be available on the District webpage and campus Facebook pages beginning July 23.

Will the school year calendar change?

  • TEA is allowing school districts to adjust their school calendars for the 2020-21 school year. HISD is pushing back the student start date to Thursday, August 20, 2020. This will give teachers five additional staff development days of preparation to meet the demands of asynchronous learning.

Will remote learning look different than what was implemented after Spring Break?

  • Yes, in that we want remote learning to follow the in-building schedule as much as possible. The fall remote learning will look more like the regular school year than the spring did.

How do teachers ensure authenticity of remote learning assessments?

  • Authenticity is the assurance teachers have the student work product is a result of what the student really knows. A variety of methods will be employed to ensure teachers have an accurate understanding of what virtual students “know”.

  • Saturday school will be utilized for distance learners for interventions and summative assessments.

  • Video assessments/the use of handwriting over typed text will be more common going forward.

Will grading and course loads be the same as they were after Spring Break?

  • Virtual instruction will be much more rigorous in the coming year. State testing will take place in the spring. Virtual students will be participating in thinking that is at the application level or higher without the benefit of having the teacher in-person to assist.

  • Both in-building and remote learning will have the same expectations around curriculum and assessments. The same standards for grading will exist in the traditional and virtual experiences.

  • Curriculum based assessments (CBAs) will be administered in a traditional setting for all students. Students choosing the virtual method of instruction will take assessments on Saturdays as assigned.

  • All students will be assigned schedules at the beginning of the year. Students choosing the virtual experience will be expected to follow the daily schedule as closely as possible for attendance purposes.

What supports will families receive for remote learning?

  • We will continue to support our families in remote learning. We have resources posted on our website and continually update these to meet the needs of families.

  • Each 6-12 student will be assigned a device to take home. PK-5 students will have a device assigned to prepare for the event a student must become a virtual learner at some point. Students will also be assigned a case for the device and a pair of earbuds. Devices will be turned in at the end of the year. Please review the HISD Technology Handbook for information regarding District expectations for digital citizenship and care of devices.

  • For students with poor Internet connectivity that wish to choose the virtual mode of learning, the Administration and PRIDE parking lots have accessible WIFI. Also the McMullen library hosts free WIFI.

How will students and parents be notified of expectations regarding use of technology?

Why are we supplying earbuds rather than headphones for student use?

  • Cost and safety.

If I select the virtual option, will my child have to be willing to participate in video conferences and other digital learning programs that require my student to video himself while participating in their distance learning?

  • Yes.

Will we finish school on May 20th?

  • The calendar has HISD finishing on May 20th and we do not see that changing at this time. HISD will be adding 10 minutes to the school day and this will help us have some "banked" days should we have to miss for bad weather, etc. Our Instructional Plan will "smoothly" adjust to remote learning should TEA/Governor "close" schools again. Should we need more days for "make-up," we will plan on May 21st and May 24-28. This would be a last resort.

Will students be taking field trips this year? If so, are they required to go?

  • We will adhere to state guidelines throughout the year. Field trips are not allowed at this time.

Will students be required to take all classes or only core?

  • All

If my student remains logged in during the day, is that sufficient to get attendance credit?

  • No. The TEA requires “engagement” for schools to receive funding and students to receive attendance credit and avoid the consequences of truancy. Engagement is measured by work that is turned in or participation during a daily lesson.

Will all Chromebooks have access to Microsoft?

  • Students in a virtual classroom will have access to the same programs, options, and tools students in traditional classrooms have.

Will Chromebooks have the ability to access music-based programs?

  • Students in a virtual classroom will have access to the same programs and tools students in traditional classrooms have.

Will video/microphone capabilities be provided for teacher desktops?

  • All teachers will be issued a Chromebook with a camera and microphone capabilities. HISD has purchased 41 webcams for the district to check out.

Will Chromebook charging stations be provided for each class?

  • Powerstrips are available for each class upon request. 6-12 students will be expected to bring Chromebooks charged to school every day.

Will there be extra devices available in the event students do not bring their device to school?

  • Initially, only 6-12 students will be allowed to take devices home. 6-12 students are expected to bring their devices to school each day. 6-12 students not bringing devices to school each day will incur disciplinary consequences according to campus procedures.

  • In the event PK-5 students are required to go to virtual schooling, decisions to send devices home will be made on a case-by-case basis.


Will elementary and secondary instruction and schedules be different?

  • Yes. Elementary (Pre-K-3), Intermediate (4-5), Middle School (6-8) and High School (9-12) will have their own schedules. The in-building schedules at each level could change depending on the number of students selecting distance learning.

Will P.E., Art and Music be offered at the elementary level during remote instruction?

  • “Specials” classes, such as P.E. art, music and library, will still be included in the face-to-face experience; although, it is expected those programs will be taught in the student’s classroom or outdoors (weather permitting). We plan on having Specials classes taught similarly in the remote setting.

What will campuses do to ensure social distancing?

  • PK-1 classes will be self-contained.

  • 2-5 classes will remain in place with teachers rotating into those classrooms.

  • MS/HS campuses are developing social distance protocols for student traffic. Numbers selecting face-to-face instruction will determine protocols for social distancing.

If students opt for remote instruction, can they still participate in athletics and extra-curriculars?

  • At this time, no.

How will the district support students’ social-emotional wellness?

  • Huntington ISD will provide staff development around student wellness and building relationships with students when either in-person or working with students remotely. Counselors and nurses are present on each campus and we encourage parents and students to contact them directly if students are experiencing issues.

How will GPAs be calculated for the 2020-2021 school year?

  • GPAs will be calculated according to policy like any normal school year.

Will parents be allowed on campus?

  • By appointment only.

Will my high school student be able to come on campus to take national assessments (TSI, SAT, ASVAB, ACT)?

  • At this time, scheduled Saturdays will be the only time virtual students may step on campus. If these assessments are offered on Saturdays, we may be able to accommodate virtual students.

How will my student who is taking online college exams have their exams proctored if they chose at home learning?

  • Saturday School on assigned days.

Will younger students and parents be provided with tutorials on how to login, navigate apps etc.?

  • Yes, there will be tutorials/tutorial videos available as well as a helpdesk email address for individual help.

How do I get inducted into the National Honor Society if I am not able to attend school?

  • Virtual students must adhere to the same criteria for entry to NHS as face-to-face students.

If my student is taking classes through Angelina College and AC requires them to come to their campus, are they required to go?

  • Any student who choses to take dual-credit courses at Angelina College will be expected to meet all requirements set by the college. However, all classes at AC are online this semester.

What will be the protocol for the sanitization of bathrooms that are classroom-contained (PK, Kdg, etc.)?

  • HISD will be using a Disinfectant rated to kill the COVID 19 virus. We will follow the CDC recommended guidance for cleaning.

What are the expectations of a PK-3 parent who chooses virtual instruction?

  • Parents of younger children that select virtual instruction will need to be very “hands on” in their child/children’s education. Younger students may have difficulty logging on and accessing programs necessary for instruction. Younger students may have difficulty with instructions. Younger students may be shy or hesitant to ask teachers for help in a virtual environment.

What are the expectations of a grade 4-12 student who chooses virtual instruction?

  • While older children are more likely to be able to successfully navigate the programs necessary to facilitate the virtual instruction, it will be important for parents of grade 4-12 students to ensure those students are engaged in virtual instruction for the duration of the school day. Failure of students to be engaged during the school day could result in being counted absent. Absenteeism results in the same consequences in-school students face when absent.


Can HISD ensure all in-school staff and students’ safety from contracting the COVID-19 virus?

  • No

Are students and staff required to wear masks or face coverings?

  • We will follow the Governor’s executive order until it expires. Exceptions to the Governor’s mask order include:

    • Children under the age of 10

    • Any person with a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a face covering

    • Any person consuming food or drink or is seated at a restaurant to eat or drink

    • Any person that is exercising or engaging in physical activities outdoors and is maintaining safe social distancing from people who are not part of their household

    • Any person who is driving alone or with passengers who are in the same household as the driver

    • Any person obtaining a service that requires temporary removal of the covering during security surveillance, screening or need for specific access to the face (like while visiting a bank or obtaining personal care involving the face).

    • Any person in a pool, lake or similar body of water

    • Any person who is voting, assisting a voter, serving as a poll watcher or actively administering an election (but wearing a mask is strongly encouraged)

    • Any person who is actively providing access to religious worship (but wearing a mask is strongly encouraged)

    • Any person while the person is giving a speech for broadcast or to an audience

    • Any person who meets the criteria laid out by the Texas Division of Emergency Management regarding minimal cases of COVID-19 and whose county judge has opted out of the face-covering requirement (but wearing a mask is strongly encouraged)

Will there be temperature checks before entering school each day?

  • Consistent with TEA guidance, a health screening will be required each school day for all staff and students.

Will there be COVID-19 testing for staff and students?

  • No. Staff and students will need to consult with their physician for testing.

What safety protocols will be taken inside buildings?

  • The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other governing authorities provide guidance to assist with the safety of facilities and determining adequate measures, such as: Controlling Building Access, Reducing Touch Points, Increasing Cleaning, and Social Distancing planning.

What sanitizing procedures are recommended for technology with the classroom?

  • Devices will not be shared between students. They will be checked out to individuals. Protocols for wiping devices down with disinfectant wipes will be instituted District wide.

What will the protocol be for drinking fountains, water bottles?

  • Students will be allowed to bring water bottles to school. Water fountains will be available for filling water bottles only.

What sanitary protocols will be administered throughout the day to ensure cleanliness of facilities?

How will HISD ensure cleanliness of “detail” areas? Areas of interest include light switches, door handles, bathrooms, breakrooms, water fountains, etc.

  • HISD will be using the clorox 360 system at each campus weekly, this machine will cover basically every square inch of the classroom with a disinfectant rated to kill the covid 19 virus. It can be used during the day if needed, there is a 5 minute wait for re-entry to the room.

How visible will custodial supervision be to ensure protocols are being followed?

  • Administration will work closely with custodial staff to ensure protocols are being followed.

What are the protocols for isolation and screening?

  • All students and staff will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms regularly and individuals who present with symptoms will be separated and sent home.

What are the screening protocols?

  • Staff will be required to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms prior to reporting to work each day.

  • Parents or guardians are expected to screen their children for COVID-19 symptoms each day prior to sending their students to school. Students will be screened prior to getting on the bus and entering school at the beginning of the day. Teachers will monitor students and call the nurse if symptoms are present.

What are the isolation protocols for students or staff displaying COVID-19 symptoms?

  • When a student has displayed symptoms of COVID-19, such as a fever, coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, etc., the school nurse will provide a clinical assessment to determine if and when a student needs to be sent home.

  • Students who are ill will be separated from their peers and should be picked up within one hour.

  • District communication will be provided to the students/staff who were in contact with a student/staff member who was lab-confirmed positive for COVID-19.

  • Students and staff who have displayed symptoms of (presumptive positive) or tested positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate for 10 days from the onset of symptoms and be fever-free for 24 hours and symptoms resolved before returning to campus; unless a written alternative diagnosis is received from the healthcare provider and discussed with the campus nurse prior to the student or staff member’s return. Students who have to be in isolation can become asynchronous learners during that time. (Updated August 4)

Will masks be provided for staff and students?

  • Yes

Will face shields for staff be made available?

  • Yes


What if I am attending school in-person and I get sick, or someone in my class gets sick?

  • If a student or staff member in school is sick, has been exposed to COVID-19, or tests positive for COVID-19, the District will follow all guidance from federal, state, and local agencies.

Do we have to shut school down in the event of a positive test?

  • No. Individuals Confirmed or Suspected with COVID-19 1. Any individuals who themselves either: (a) are lab-confirmed to have COVID-19; or (b) experience the symptoms of COVID-19 (listed below) must stay at home throughout the infection period, and cannot return to campus until the school system screens the individual to determine any of the below conditions for campus re-entry have been met:

In the case of an individual who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual may return to school when all three of the following criteria are met:

i. at least one day (24 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications);

ii. the individual has improvement in symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and iii. at least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared. (Updated August 4)

In the case of an individual who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and who is not evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, such individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to the campus until the individual has completed the same three-step set of criteria listed above.

If the individual has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to school before completing the above stay at home period, the individual must either (a) obtain a medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on an alternative diagnosis or (b) receive one confirmation that they are free of COVID via acute infection tests at an approved COVID-19 testing location found at https://tdem.texas.gov/covid-19/. (Updated August 4)

Identifying Possible COVID-19 Cases on Campus

o Schools must immediately separate any student who shows COVID-19 symptoms while at school until the student can be picked up by a parent or guardian.

o Schools should clean the areas used by the individual who shows COVID-19 symptoms while at school (student, teacher, or staff) as soon as is feasible.

o Students who report feeling feverish should be given an immediate temperature check to determine if they are symptomatic for COVID-19.

When will local/state days be used if forced to be off for COVID related absence?

  • Please see the latest guidance from TEA:


How does a teacher find out more about EPSLA (Emergency Pay Sick Leave Act) and EFMLEA (Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act) in the event they need to know how being quarantined/out with the virus and how the absence will affect time off/payroll?

Will staff have a choice of working in-person or remote?

  • No, barring guidance from the state or a documented illness.

What will the teacher protocols for social distancing be?

  • Same as the students, six feet distancing.

Will appliances be allowed in my classroom beyond what has been allowed in the past?

  • No.

What training will teachers receive to produce high quality virtual lessons?

  • “How To” Virtual Instruction

  • Time to Practice Delivery of Instruction

  • Training on Various Platforms (Canvas, Google Classroom, Flipgrid etc.)

  • Integration of Elmos, Document Cameras, SmartBoards etc. into virtual instruction.

  • Developing Relationships/Ensuring Emotional Support Virtually

  • Preparing a COVID Classroom: Common Sense Strategies to Enhance Safety

  • Virtual Differentiation

  • Virtual MTSS/RTI

  • Time to create lessons:

    • Grading by Rubric

    • Syllabus Overview

    • Digital Citizenship, Expectations

    • Entry Skill Exams


Will buses/transportation be available?

  • Bus transportation will be available. Parents are required to have children “self-screen” prior to boarding busses in the morning. Seating on school buses will be distanced and cleaning between routes increased.

What will bus protocols be for AM/PM routes?

  • Students will be required to use hand sanitizer as they board. Students will be assigned seats and social distancing will be enforced as much as possible. Masks will be worn on the bus unless the student qualifies for a Governor exception.

How will loading and unloading look like at campuses and at homes look like?

  • As much as possible, social distancing will be enforced as students enter and exit buses.

What is the plan to identify what students will require bussing to and/or from school?

  • Transportation will be contacting students prior to the first school day that elect the face-to-face instructional option. Parents and students that have the means to personally transport students to and from school are encouraged to do so.

How will bus riders be evaluated for COVID symptoms?

  • Parents should help bus riders self-screen for COVID symptoms prior to getting on the bus. Any student exhibiting symptoms prior to getting on the bus will not be allowed to ride.

How will students be spaced on buses?

  • One to a seat if at all possible. Numbers will impact the ability to social distance.

Will bus riders be required to wear masks to ride buses?

  • Masks will be worn on the bus unless the student qualifies for a Governor exception.

What safety protocols will be in place for bus riders?

  • Buses will operate with the windows down when possible. HISD will also be completely sanitizing the interior of each bus after the morning and afternoon routes. This includes spraying disinfectants and wiping down all of the seats and any surface that students may come in contact with.

Child Nutrition

Will lunches be served?

  • Plans will be developed for lunches to be serviced in the cafeteria as well as the classroom depending on the campus. If you need a "nut-free" space, please contact your campus principal or Samantha McElroy, Child Nutrition Director. (Updated August 6)

Will the school provide breakfast and lunch to my child if we chose virtual?

  • HISD will offer Grab & Go meal service to virtual learners. All grade levels can pick up their meals at the back of the HS campus cafeteria location. You may pick up lunch for the current day and breakfast for the following morning from 9:30 to 10:30, Monday through Friday with the exception of school holidays. Breakfast offered during Friday's pick up will be considered breakfast for Monday morning. Meals are no longer free to all unless you qualify. (Updated August 6)

If students are required to eat in the classroom, what will that look like?

  • Breakfast: We will have breakfast carts locations set up at the bus stop, foyer, and kinder commons. Students who wish to receive a meal may pick one up providing the cashier with their name and/or lunch number. Cashiers will be accepting cash and checks at this time. Students will then take their breakfast meal to their classrooms to eat. (Updated August 6)

  • Lunch: Pre-k through 1st grade will be eating in the classrooms at this time. Meal counts will be gathered each morning by the teachers. The list will be given to the cafeteria manager. During lunch time, meals will be delivered to the classroom. If you are 2nd or 3rd grade, you will be going to the cafeteria for lunch. (Updated August 6)