Morning Work

Monday 8/24

Grammar - Subject and Predicate review (Henry and Mudge) pages 31-32

Page 31: Find the subject - who or what in each sentence

Page 32: Find the predicate - what the subject is doing in each sentence

Read the directions carefully and complete the worksheets. Turn in Friday

Tuesday 8/25

Math - Finding the Sum of Addition Sentences and Reviewing Doubles Facts

Page 86: Colorful Addition

Page 90: Double Take

Read the directions carefully and complete the worksheet front and back. Turn in Friday

Wednesday 8/26

Grammar - Complete Sentences review (My Family) pages 31-32

Which sentences are NOT complete sentences - sentences have a subject and a predicate

Read the directions carefully and complete the worksheet. Turn in Friday

Thursday 8/27

Math - Addition with Doubles Facts review and adding 3 digits to find the sum

Page 91: Easy as Pie!

Page 88: Finding the Easiest Way

Read the directions carefully and complete the worksheet. Turn in Friday

Friday 8/28

Grammar - Writing sentences correctly using capitalization and punctuation

Page 7: It's a Sentence! Correctly rewrite each sentence and be sure to use a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence and correct punctuation at the end of the sentence.

  • Punctuation could be a period (.), a question mark (?) or an exclamation point (!)
  • Remember, a period (.) is used when you are giving a statement, a question mark (?) is used when you are asking a question, and an exclamation point (!) is used when you are telling something with excitement

Math - Adding 4 digits to find the sum

Page 15: What's in the Shopping Cart?

Page 17: How Many Groceries? Be sure to look for the two numbers that add up to 10 first, then add the other two numbers to find the total (sum)

Read the directions carefully and complete the worksheet front and back. Turn in today