English and Languages

A great start to Term 2 and the books and classrooms are showing wonderful pieces of learning showcasing a range of exciting writing opportunities.

Year 1

The children have been writing about the fable of The Hare and the Tortoise. The children have used words and pictures to retell key parts of this classic fable and were beautifully able to recall the moral this fable teaches us.

Year 2

The children have been thinking about beliefs that people have, one of these being the tooth fairy. They began to plan their own story based on a story they had listened to before planning their own. They had agency over what they changed using their new introduced chilli challenges. Some of the children changed just the characters while other children changed the character, setting and how the tooth fairy helped to save the day. The children enjoyed writing their narratives and have demonstrated a range of writing skills.

Year 5

The children have made links to their work on the trenches to write some descriptive writing pieces. The children used pictures to encourage discussions and to develop high level vocabulary which they then embedded in their writing. The children used shared writing sessions to plan and create their writing ensuring that they have used a range of writing skills.

Mrs Johnson - English and Language