Term 3 PYP Curriculum

Below you will see the Transdisciplinary Theme that each year group is covering this term and the Central Ideas. Please discuss these with your children as I am sure that they will be very excited to tell you all about what they have been learning.

Mr Bullock - PYP Lead

Year R

Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Express Ourselves

Central Idea: Storytelling engages our curiosity, emotions and imagination.

Year 1

Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We Are In Place and Time

Central Idea: Journeys may lead to more opportunities.

Year 2

Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We Are In Place and Time

Central Idea: The impact of fire motivates changes to the infrastructure of society.

Year 3

Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We Are In Place and Time

Central Idea: Civilisations may have changed over time.

Year 4

Transdisciplinary Theme: How The World Works

Central Idea: The Earth’s natural cycles may influence the activity of living things.

Year 5

Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We Are In Place and Time

Central Idea: Changes to our environment may impact our daily lives.

Year 6

Transdisciplinary Theme: Sharing The Planet

Central Idea: Lifestyle choices can have a significant impact on ourselves and the planet.