
Math Tutoring at HSU


Teaching Evaluations from Recent Courses

Here are student evaluations from a recent upper division class.

Modeling COVID-19

I am currently working with three undergraduate students, modeling the interactions of the immune system and SARS-CoV-2. Our models are both deterministic and agent-based.

Exploration of Microbial Communities

We analyzed microbes in a gut sample and used exploratory data analysis to visualize hierarchical relationships in this community.

Mathematical Contest in Modeling Poster Presentations

Students summarized contest results for IdeaFest poster presentations. Ten unique posters have been presented since 2017.

Student's Chaotic Water Wheel


Math Camp USA/Canada

Math Camp is an intensive summer program and vibrant community for mathematically talented high school students. I co-taught a course on Mathematical Modeling in Biology using Agent Based Models in 2018.

Math Modeling in Biotechnology

I co-developed and co-taught a grant funded course at HSU.

Summer Program for Women in Mathematics at the George Washington University

SPWM is an intensive summer program for mathematically talented undergraduate women who may be contemplating graduate study. I designed and taught a course for this program in summer 2010.