The Basics

Written tutorials

Notice that in most cases, the blue circled numbers in the image correspond to the numbers in the text description.

Create and Send an Email

  1. Open your Gmail inbox.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Compose. A new email opens.
  3. (Optional) Change your window using the buttons in the upper corner.
  4. Add recipients and a subject.
  5. Enter your message.Email you start writing but haven’t sent are automatically saved in Drafts on the left sidebar.
  6. (Optional) Add attachments , links, images image, and more.
  7. Click Send.

Reply to an email

  1. To reply to a single email or the last email in a thread, click the word Reply
  2. To reply to an email within a thread, click the arrow Reply
  3. To forward a single email or the last email in a thread, click Forward
  4. To forward an email within a thread, click More Menu (3 dots) > Forward.
  5. To see previous email in a thread, click Show (looks like "...")
  6. To forward an entire conversation, at the top, click More Menu (3 dots) > Forward all.
  7. To use a Smart Reply, at the bottom of the email, click a suggested reply. You can then edit the email before sending it.

Create a Signature

Your signature can include your name, title, and contact information.

  1. Click Settings and select Settings.
  2. On the General tab, scroll down to the Signature section and create your signature.
  3. (Optional) Use the format bar to add text colors, styles, links, or a picture.
  4. At the bottom, click Save Changes.