Our Media Usage

Photography and Video Recording Policy
At our school, we believe in celebrating the vibrant and engaging activities that our students participate in. This includes capturing memorable moments through photographs and video recordings during various school events and activities such as classroom lessons, co-curricular activities (CCAs), school camps, concerts, learning journeys, and more.

Consent Through Participation
It's important to note that by participating in any of these school activities and events, students and their parents/guardians provide implicit consent for the school to capture, use, and publish photographs and/or video recordings featuring them.

Examples of Usage:

Student Work
In addition to capturing candid moments, we may also showcase exemplary student work in various subjects and disciplines. This could include displaying academic projects, artwork, scientific experiments, and other creative endeavors that showcase the talents and achievements of our students.

Ensuring Privacy and Dignity:
Rest assured, our school is committed to maintaining the privacy and dignity of all individuals involved. We only use photographs and video recordings for positive and celebratory purposes, showcasing the accomplishments and vibrant school life.

This policy not only allows us to document and celebrate the achievements of our students but also fosters a sense of community and connection within our school.