Yes! Day

Yes! Day

Friday is a Yes! Day
“Yes! Day” provides the children with longer blocks of time for free play to develop their knowledge, skills, and dispositions. It also provides opportunities for the children to decide what they want to explore and discover! It’s a Yes! to whatever they want to do, well, almost anything.

Yes! Day is on every Friday. The children will get to decide:

Free play, aka “unstructured play,” self-play, or “child-directed play,” allows our children to engage in freely chosen play. It is open-ended, giving them the ability and control to explore their interests, passions, and talents. It provides the independence to take risks and make mistakes. They begin to understand choices and consequences as they learn from their mistakes. 

Child-directed play is vital to children learning to understand themselves and those around them. Children at play, interact with others, helping them to process their emotions. While at the same time, creating their sense of autonomy and building their confidence. They learn self-control and how to regulate their feelings.