Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is specially designed based on MOE’s Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Framework. This is where we believe that children are joyful, active, curious and competent learners, and we aim to nurture your child holistically to be lifelong learners. In addition, we believe that children learn best through an integrated approach and  intentionally planned learning activities.

MK offers classes in the 3 official MTLs (Chinese, Malay and Tamil). We encourage children of Chinese, Malay and Indian ethnic race to take their own MTLs.

Total MK@Huamin Curriculum
Our MK curriculum comprises 2 flagship programmes, the HI-Light Programme and Starlight Literacy Programme for English and MTL. In addition, each term at MK will conclude in a Weeks of Wonder project.

At MK@Huamin, we believe in providing opportunities for children to be physically active, learn in a real world context and develop a variety of skills that prepare them not only for the classroom, but also for life. We also believe in inculcating positive values and learning dispositions in children.

Check out MK@Huamin’s centre-based programmes:

HI-LIGHT Programme
The HI-Light Programme supports the holistic development of MOE Kindergarten children through an integrated approach to learning.
Find out more about the HI-Light programme on the MOE Kindergarten website!

STARLIGHT Literacy Programme (English & MTL)
The Starlight Literacy Programme nurtures your child’s language skills through Big Books, songs, rhymes, and games set in the local context.

Find out more about the Starlight programme on the MOE Kindergarten website!