Physical Education

Members of the Department 

Head of Department (PE/CCA)

Mr Shaikh Muzaffar Shaikh Omar Fraij

Subject Head (PE/CCA)

Mr Chia Chong Seng


Mr Jeff Chang Jin Peng

ST PE & Holistic Health Coordinator

Mr Lin Jin Xiang

Mr Thian Jiahui

Mrs Joyce Tng

Mr Huang Yuhan Lionel

The Physical Education Department looks into actualising its vision of developing:
An All-Rounded Adventurous Huaminite who has a lifelong passion for Active and Healthy Living

The department is able to achieve its Vision through a comprehensive programme that is guided by a holistic health framework.

Adapted from Health Promotion Board 

By the end of their educational journey here in Huamin, our students will be:

Equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to be healthy in every aspect and are able to sustain a passion for lifelong active and healthy living

Physical Education
The purpose of physical education is to enable students to demonstrate individually and with others the physical skills, practices, and values to enjoy a lifetime of active, healthy living.

Through a balanced and well-designed curriculum based on the following framework, delivered through appropriate and effective pedagogies and meaningful assessment, students will acquire the knowledge, skills and values to live active and healthy lives.

Goal 1: Acquire a range of movement skills to participate in a variety of physical activities.
Goal 2: Understand and apply movement concepts, principles and strategies in a range of physical activities.
Goal 3: Demonstrate safe practices during physical and daily activities with respect to themselves, others and the environment.
Goal 4: Display positive personal and social behaviour across different experiences.
Goal 5: Acquire and maintain health-enhancing fitness through regular participation in physical activities.
Goal 6: Enjoy and value the benefits of living a physically active and healthy life.

Social Well-being
Through carefully designed learning activities and ‘teachable moments’, students are given the opportunities to acquire sound moral values, develop social skills (SEL) and higher order thinking skills, and 21st Century Competencies

Mental Well-being
Students will be equipped with knowledge and skills to build positive self-esteem and manage stress and anger

Our Key Approach is ITQ:

Our Key Teaching Models for Physical Education are:

The department employs both formative and summative modes of assessment to making informed judgement about what our students know and are able to do in order to help them progress towards and attain the desired goals.

 Assessment Strategies and Tools used:     


Performance Level for Physical Activities, Physical Health and Fitness and Outdoor Education 

Programmes and Activities

Recess Play @ Huamin: CCA Student Leaders loan out sports equipment and board games during recess for everyone to engage in play and physical activity. 

Lower Primary Sports Carnival

This is held on the eve of Children’s Day annually for our Lower Primary students whereby our P4 students employ Design Thinking approach to design creative games and run sports booths to engage the younger ones in sports and games. It is a good platform for P4 students to participate in Values in Action too as they host and guide the other younger ones in games and play. 

Sports Day:

P4 to P6 students get to experience inter-class competition during their Sports Day this year. Students get to represent their class in various competitions such as Basketball, Floorball, Modified Bocce and Running events. 

NAPFA Record Breakers Competition:

P4 and P6 students push themselves to their limit as they compete with each other to set a personal best in the various stations for NAPFA. 

Outdoor Adventure Learning Camps:

There is a level camp for P5 to expose our students to the outdoors to develop relevant camp craft skills such as navigation, pitching of tents, their SEL competencies as well as their awareness of environmental conservation. 

Student Leadership Development:

Structured training is conducted to develop our students to serve as leaders. Their leadership qualities are honed through platforms such as PE Ambassador Training, Sports CCA Leadership Camp and CCA Leader Learning Journey to Southern Ridges and Henderson Wave. 

Sports Education Programme (SEP):

Students are exposed and encouraged to engage in different sports such as Trampoline, Golf, Bowling, Rope Skipping, Wushu and Kickboxing through the SEP programme. 

P5 Swimsafer:

All students will go through the Swimsafer programme to learn an important life skill. This year, our P5 students participated in the Swimsafer programme in Term 1. 

Structured Snack Breaks
We have a structured Snack break daily (except Wednesdays when there is a lunch break) at 8:25am (for P4, P5 and P6 students) and 11:25am (for P1, P2 and P3 students). Students are allowed to consume a healthy snack during this break in class then.

Rate of Perceived Exertion:
Combining technology with the proven use of the OMNI scale during PE lessons and Sports CCA. Using the Polar© OH1 Heart Rate monitor, we equip our students with the knowledge and skill of using the OMNI scale to learn to identify their Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and therefore, regulate their own exercise intensity accordingly to ensure that they are exercising at a safe and sustainable manner.

Mental & Social Well-Being
Holistic Health Talks are conducted to educate and create awareness amongst staff and students.

Programme for Active Learning (PAL):
PAL: Huamin Primary School was one of the schools selected by MOE to pilot the Programme for Active Learning (PAL) in 2010. Under PAL, our students will participate in modular activities in four broad areas of:

PAL allows students to have a broad exposure to a range of activities at an entry level, so that they can discover their talents and interests, be it in the outdoors, sports or the aesthetics. Our students learn through play and are engaged in fun and varied activities during PAL. PAL is a powerful vehicle to develop Social Emotional Learning competencies, nurture life skills and values within all students.

Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs):

CCA: Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) play an integral role in the holistic development of our students. There are 18 different CCAs offered in the school. They range from competitive and recreational sports to Aesthetics: Performing Arts and Visual Arts to Clubs and Uniformed Group. Through students’ active participation in CCA, we will be able to nurture and inculcate values such as self-discipline, teamwork, sense of responsibility and sportsmanship. All Primary 3 to 6 students are highly encouraged to participate in one CCA. 


MOE Olive Run: Staff members walk the talk and participate annually in MOE Olive Run organised by MOE MESRC. 

MOE Sports for Life Walk/Run: Staff members participate in the annual school-based SFL Walk/ Run to keep fit and healthy. Active Wednesdays: Staff members engage in weekly sports activities to bond and de-stress. 

MOE MERSC Inter-School 5-a-side Futsal Championship 2023: Our staff participated in the Inter-School Futsal competition and won the joint-third placing. 

Partnership Efforts


Holistic Health Workshop for Parents: As part of the school’s effort to engage students and their parents in leading an active and healthy lifestyle, workshops are organised to empower them. 


Our Alumni continue to contribute back to their alma mater through Sports CCAs. 

External Organisations:

Health Promotion Board and Yishun Health Group: We work very closely with HPB and YHG looking into holistic health matters in the school. These include Healthy Meals in School Programme for our canteen, regular mobile health exhibits, weight management programmes and inculcating the importance of Active and Healthy Living through Health Education. 

PESTA: We collaborate with MOE’s PESTA in terms of Professional Development for our PE teachers. 

NIE Physical Education and Sports Science Faculty: We collaborate with academics from NIE PESS to conduct academic research projects in the area of curriculum delivery. 

CDAC: Huamin Primary School collaborated with CDAC to celebrate their 30th Anniversary by getting our teachers and students to participate in the “A Little From All” Virtual Run event. The theme for the virtual run, “A Little From All” aims to bring out the passion to do good in all participants. Huamin Primary School is happy to be part of this special occasion and having the opportunity to stay active and doing good at the same time.