Character and Citizenship Education

Members of Department

Head of Department

Miss Kat Quek Li Ching

“Intelligence plus character - that is the true goal of education.”

- Martin Luther King 

Subject Head (Character and Citizenship)

Miss Kanmani D/O Mariyappan

“Our ability to handle life’s challenges is a measure of our strength of character”

- Les Brown 

Subject Head (Discipline and Student Well-Being)

Mr Tham Kuan Yew, Albert

“Mindfulness is a capability we all possess and can cultivate”

-Jan Chozen Bays 

Subject Head (Discipline and Student Leadership)

Mr Joshua Kum Han Wen

“Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world”

-Roy T. Bennett 

To nurture every Huaminite into an active contributor and concerned citizen to the school, community and environment.

Every Huaminite A Passionate Contributor

Student Leadership @ Huamin
A structured leadership programme is implemented to develop students’ leadership potential and educate them on the various skills and qualities of good leadership. The 7 Huaminite Habits are used as a guideline for these student leadership workshops. These workshops help to develop students’ SEL competencies through fun team-bonding activities as well.

The student leadership programmes are guided by the school’s Student Leadership Framework which looks into developing them through the three tiers of student leadership: Tier 1 (Lead Self), Tier 2 (Lead Peer) and Tier 3 (Lead School).

Student leaders are also appraised by themselves, peers and teachers. These evaluations help them to become better leaders. Students are encouraged to practise leadership through prefectorial committee, class committee and house committee.

I ♥ Seven Huaminite Habits (SH2)
Seven Huaminite Habits is a character programme designed to inculcate positive habits in every Huaminite so that they are equipped with the essential and practical skills which can be applied beyond their primary school education.

i.               Be Proactive
ii.              Be Goal-Oriented
iii.             Be a Teamplayer
iv.             Do First Things First
v.              Listen to Understand, then be understood
vi.             To do your Best
vii.            To contribute passionately

Social Skills and FTGP Lessons
Social Skills lessons are incorporated into FTGP curriculum to better help students manage their SEL competencies and interactions with others. Students are taught explicit steps to apply a targeted social skill. For example, the school adopts Social Skill ‘Use an appropriate voice level’, apart from going through what this particular social skill is in designated FTGP periods, the implementation of Volume Meter school-wide also allows students to self-regulate their voice level and learn to speak at an appropriate level at various settings. With the new CCE (FTGP) syllabus implementation, students are also given more opportunities to be engage in class discussions and presentations

Developing Huaminites’ Voices

The Huaminities’ Voice Corner was implemented in our school recently in 2023. The idea of this corner is to promote students’ voices by garnering their views and opinions on a variety of topics for discussions to achieve better outcomes. Students are also encouraged to use this platform to present a topic or theme of discussion for upcoming school events or projects. This corner is overseen and managed by our prefects. 

Values-in-Action (VIA) activities are planned and carried out across all levels based on a 6-year VIA Plan. Students learn to serve through the 3H approach, also known as the Head, Heart and Hand approach, whereby they apply the values, habits and skills learnt in school to the organisations that they are serving.

P5 Waterway Watch Society
To provide Huaminites with opportunities to be a “Team-player” in identifying the needs of our society and contributing it back through our small gestures, the school also works closely with NWCDC to provide authentic VIA experiences for our students

Bus Drivers’ Appreciation Day

In early parts of 2023, our Lower Primary Students learnt about the contributions of the bus drivers and wrote “Thank You” cards to them to show their appreciation for their hard work and dedication in keeping the commuters safe on the roads. Students who regularly take the school buses also learnt to be well-behaved, respectful and keep themselves safe by remembering to put on their seatbelts before moving off. These cards were then made into garlands and were presented personally to the Yishun Tower Transit Interchange by the Head and Vice-Head Prefects personally as a gesture of our appreciation for their services. As for the school bus drivers, the cards were presented to them by selected Lower Primary students who commutes to school via their school buses 

Routinized Daily Clean-up in Huamin Primary School (VIA)
To provide Huaminites with opportunities to develop into Passionate Contributors, the school has also implemented the routinised daily clean-up programme since 2014. This is also part of the Values-in-Action 6-year plan for the school

Students are rostered to clean up their classrooms at the beginning of the day for approximately five minutes before they commence their first lesson of the day. At the end of the day just before the dismissal bell rings, they are also required to clean up the classroom for another five minutes during the last period.

The CCE coordinator also carries out a “Cleanest Class Award” per term to affirm the class that demonstrates commitment and consistency in maintaining classroom cleanliness. There are rubrics placed in each class to spell out the expectations on what the students in the rostered cleanliness committee can do to upkeep their classrooms. Their form and subject teachers can also refer to the rubrics to do a quick assessment on the cleanliness of the classroom at any time of the day apart from their fixed clean-up routine.

In addition, each consortium (two levels per consortium) is rostered to clean up school areas like the canteen, foyer, and field right after the recess bell. Parent volunteers from the Parent Support Group are also co-opted to perform recess duties during this period. They are involved in leading the students during the clean-up duty. They also advise and remind our students to observe proper hygiene and to wash their hands before going back to class. Students have given positive reviews about this clean-up, and they learn to be responsible and proactive in safekeeping the cleanliness of our surroundings.

By engaging in everyday responsibilities, we guide our students to cultivate good habits for life. Respect and consideration for others is also shown by taking care of our shared spaces like the canteen. In addition, by taking ownership of our environment, we learn to value all labour that serves a useful purpose in society.

Cleaners’ Appreciation Day

Cleaners’ Appreciation Day is a day whereby we recognise the contribution of our school’s unsung heroes who have contributed to maintaining the cleanliness of our school compounds. The attribute of perspective-taking was emphasized during this period of time as we encouraged our students to put themselves in the shoes of others, examine the challenges that our school cleaners face, and show appreciation to them 

Spring Clean @ Huamin
As part of showing appreciation to the school cleaners, students are also roped in to carry out spring clean in their classes on the last day of every term. The last two periods are suspended for the students to clean up their personal space. Through this activity, students are given an opportunity to apply the values that they have learnt such as respect, responsibility, and teamwork.

OUI! Programme – For Lower and Middle Consortium
OUI Programme is planned and implemented for the Primary 1 to 3 students to cultivate and strengthen Peer Support Relationship as well as Teacher Student Relationship. This programme forms part of the FTGP Curriculum.

Team Bonding activities such as ‘Class Dance’, ‘Interview Your Teacher’, ‘Blow Wind Blow’ are carried out for the students to understand their peers and their teachers better, developing PSR (Peer Support and Relationship) and TSR (Teacher-student Relationship).

OUI! also stands for Outstanding, Uplifting and Inspiring. It is hoped that our Huamintes will continue to be OUI! to their peers!

Beary Best Award and Caught You Doing Great

Beary Best Award is a recognition given out in HMPS termly for classes which have displayed excellent behaviour, good school habits and self-discipline. Winning classes from all levels would have the privilege of having a certificate and Mr Bear in the classroom for the term 

Caught You Doing Great is also a student recognition platform where the school highlights positive acts performed by the students. These actions are “captured” by the teachers in the school and students are praised for their good behaviour. 

Clean Plate Campaign

The “Clean Plate Campaign” is a joint-collaboration with Food from the Heart (FFTH) and Huamin Primary School since 2016 in hope to educate students on the importance of reducing food wastage by inculcating the habit of mindful eating when they are young. Students are encouraged to order food of appropriate proportions during recess time in order not to waste food that they are unable to finish. Yearly, personnel from FFTH also visits the school to educate them about the repercussions of food waste, which is a global issue, and students are able to show their support by ‘cleaning up’ their plates. 

NE Events and NE Ambassadors

NE Ambassadors are selected from each class to share updates on current affairs and messages on National Education. It is also a platform to develop student leadership. In HMPS, NE Ambassadors are given the opportunity to lead the school in the morning assembly and they are also given the chance to carry out public speaking through assembly talks and class sharing. 

Internationalisation Programme

The Internationalisation Programme aims to inculcate a deeper sense of belonging and understanding for Singapore with the school’s international students as well as their families through yearly programmes run by the school. This includes tea-appreciation ceremony, heritage learning journeys and even workshops. 

Friend of Singa Ambassador (FOS) Programme

In the hope to create a kinder and more caring community within Huamin, we started our collaboration with Singapore Kindness Movement since 2016 on the Friend of Singa (FOS) programme. Selected student ambassadors will complete a kindness project within the school to promote the values of kindness and graciousness through the Design Thinking Approach. Through the activities planned and executed, we hope to inculcate courteous behaviour amongst our students. 

You Say Your Say – Students’ Suggestions / Feedback Scheme

Students are invited to have a say in the school and are encouraged to submit their suggestions and feedback to the school management pertaining to Student Well-being, Student Safety (“Safety Begins With You”), Student Discipline and ESD (Education for Sustainable Development). Students whose suggestions are accepted would receive tokens of appreciation and their implemented ideas will be shared with the school. 

PAL Programme – For Primary 1 and 2 Level

For Primary 1 and 2 students, modular activities in Sports and Outdoor Education, and Performing and Visual Arts are conducted weekly for a duration of 1 hour and 30 mins. Students are engaged in interesting activities like creating their own playground using recyclables, visiting Yishun Park to learn about flora and fauna as well as bouldering to build their resilience and to enhance team bonding among peers. 

Education & Career Guidance Fiesta

In line with MOE’s directive to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills and values to make informed decisions at each key education stage for successful transition from school to further education or work, and hence to manage their career pathways and lifelong learning throughout their lives. The school’s ECG programmes are guided by its 6-year plan aimed to Excite, Exposure and Educate the respective consortiums of the student population. 

Social Studies Curriculum
The Social Studies curriculum works hand in hand with the NE programmes in the school to provide all Huaminites a well-rounded education about Singapore and the world.
a) Primary 1 - Knowing Myself, Others and My Surroundings
b) Primary 2 - Coming Together as a Nation
c) Primary 3 - Understanding Singapore
d) Primary 4 - Valuing Our Past - (Inquiry Focus) How is life in Singapore today shaped by what happened in the past?
e) Primary 5 - Appreciating The World - (Inquiry Focus) How has the legacies of the world impacted our lives today?
f) Primary 6 - Discovering Southeast Asia - (Inquiry Focus) How is Southeast Asia important to Singapore?

The Inquiry Focus approach is also recommended for the learning of concepts, skills and exploration of topics in Social Studies.

The tone of the lessons is also student-centric, this provides our students opportunities to use reasoning skills to brainstorm, discuss and overcome the challenges posed during the sessions, thus guiding them to be reflective in the process as well