Class of 2023

College Application Guide


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Fall 2022: If you haven't done these things, do them now:

  1. Add colleges to your "Applying" list in SCOIR

  2. Enter teacher recommendation requests into SCOIR

  3. Complete Student Brag Sheet in SCOIR (under Surveys in the menu at the top right)

  4. Add your Activities and Achievements in SCOIR

  5. Have a parent/guardian complete the Parent Point of View (Parent Brag Sheet) in SCOIR (can be done in student account, or student can invite parent)

  6. Sign your FERPA waiver in SCOIR (We recommend you "WAIVE" your right to access records)

  7. Add your Common App ID to your SCOIR account


  1. College Application Tracker (you can modify for your needs to keep track for your schools)

  2. Essay Brainstorming exercises

  3. College Essay Guy (CEG) has the BEST free resources out there for essay writing, including supplements and school-specific essays (like the UCs).

  4. Level Up Your Activities List! Start working on your activities list. I like to work in Google Docs first.

  5. YouTube - You like videos. Watch these to get help.

Parent/Guardian To-Do List for Fall 2022

  1. Complete the transcript release form in Genesis (Under Forms in the Parent account)

  2. Activate your parent SCOIR account (I just pushed out an invite that will stay active for 7 days, just click on it to activate. If you didn't get it, it's possible your child did not activate their own SCOIR account. They should do that first, then your child can send you an invite through their student account)

  3. Complete the Parent Point of View (Parent Brag Sheet)

  4. Have a few open and honest conversations with your child about parameters for their college search, including finances

  5. Complete net price calculators for a few schools on your child's college list - especially if they are considering applying Early Decision (ED) (Pro Tip: Google: "collegename net price calculator")

  6. Pull together the financial aid requirements for schools (deadlines, forms required, etc).

  7. Beginning October 1: Complete the FAFSA, and the CSS Profile if necessary.

  8. Encourage and support your child through the application process, while resisting the (sometimes overwhelming) urge to do it for them :)

3 Tips for Success

  1. Read your email. Every day.

  2. Be an active participant. Students, this is your future.

  3. Ask questions and ask for help when you need it.