Most Favourite Award


  1. Sunset at Ma Wan

Since the COVID-19, I rarely go out except to buy the daily necessities. Sitting at home for a long time, my spirit gradually declined, and I also forgot the beauty of nature. Therefore, I made up my mind to go to Ma Wan to relax, exercise, and to re-experience the beauty of nature. This is a photo I took in Ma Wan Old Street at dusk.


2. Self-Discipline under Covid-19

The coronavirus outbreak brings many new challenges to our campus life. This photo shows an authentic situation what we keep studying online. Mask, alcohol-based hand rub have been daily personal belongings to maintain good personal hygiene. Under COVID-19, we better manage and equip ourselves to prepare for future!


3. Social distance in daily life

Under COVID-19, people get used to keep social distance with others and wear mask properly. Even they were in the queue for waiting bus, they will kept distance with people by their self-management.


4. Dawn & Faith

The night is darkest just before the dawn.

But keep calm, and don't lose your mind, belief, and hope. Even if you can't see the path now, manage yourself in the predicament, be patient, persist, and concentrate. Keep exploring and enriching, and we will create the path someday


5. Work-life Integrate

Under COVID-19, we students having lessons online, and this seems to provide us more flexibility in time management. At least, travelling time cost was saved. Meanwhile, I realized the philosophy of work-life integrate, the photo was taken when I went Sunny Bay after my busy work for a day.


6. A place for studing and sleeping

Under COVID-19, students got used to learn online. Here is the situation when some students are having lectures.


7. The Gate of Paradise

This photo was taken by chance when I felt boring being trapped in the house. The rainbow between the two buildings makes it like a fancy gate to paradise. Life under the pandemic is difficult, but please remember you always have the chance to discover happiness from any small corners.


8. Summer Semester


同學都很自律地帶著口罩,不在課室內除下,學校也 貼心地設下膠板,讓大家保持距離,安心地上課。