疫情肆虐下,相信大部分同學好耐都無返過 Campus !

今次Department 就籌辦咗個Sports Day [SPORTIFY DEPT of MANAGEMENT] 俾MGT/HRM/GBM同學仔返黎Campus識下新朋友同做運動!又可以識下人,又可以出身汗,又可以幫自己Programme 係Management League 拎分!就算無做開運動都可以過黎玩下!隨時因為你既參與而贏埋總冠軍㗎!快D報名啦!

Under COVID-19, it’s been a long while since you come back to campus last time and we would like to invite you to come back and have fun!

Organized by the Department, the Sports Day [Sportify DEPT OF MANAGEMENT] presents a great opportunity to meet new friends from MGT/HRM/GBM, to energize and to muscle up. You can also help your Programme gain points in the Management League. Your participation may even help your team crown the Championship . What are you waiting for? Sign up immediately and enjoy the event!