List of global internship programmes organized by external organizations



If students are eager to take up any outbound activities, you are advised to consider the risk involved, uncertainties ahead and potential cost incurred which you need to fully bear (including but not limited to accommodation for quarantine, insurance, test report, vaccine injection, cancellation or postponement of the internship, etc.). You are also suggested to put your own safety first, and consult your family to make a well-considered decision. Please approach SAO if you have any queries on the outbound activities. 

To offer more diverse choices of internship experience, the SAO also helps in promoting overseas/ mainland internship programmes which are organized/ administered by external organizations. 

Kindly note that the external organizers will take sole charge of the programme quality and delivery and it is likely that a programme fee will be charged. Please click on the below links for details.

Oversea Internship:

Mainland Summer Internship: