Week 1 in 3/4

Hi 3/4 Families,

Welcome to Term Two!

To access this week's learning, go to Google Classroom. If you are unsure of how to log your child into Google Classroom, please view the video below for instructions.

How To Login To Google Classroom. ← Click Here

Daily activities will be in the ‘Classwork’ tab at the top of the screen. We will be uploading a DAILY document on Google Classroom, once the students click on this they will have access to their own editable copy. In this document, the instructions for student learning can be found. The students complete/type out the task on the document (unless stated otherwise on the document).

We will be following the suggested weekly timetable that Kayla has published. It is accessible on Google Sites.

We will be moving to some more video lessons next week as well as some video calls. Please complete any CareMonkey forms that have been sent to you.

Thank you,

The 3/4 Level teachers.