
Classroom Information » Class Rules

Class Rules

Classroom Management/ Discipline Policy

I am often asked what the discipline policy or classroom management plan is for the classroom. I would like to address this briefly.

Our classroom houses a small society. Each student is a citizen who is expected to act in accordance with clearly articulated standards of behavior.

Irresponsible behavior is not uncommon with young children, and therefore it is seen as an opportunity for growth, rather than punishment.

The approach that I will be using with my students encourages them to exercise self-discipline through reflection and self-evaluation. Students learn to control their own behavior, rather than always relying on the teacher for control.

My definition of discipline: Doing what has to be done, when it has to be done, doing it as well as it can be done, and doing it that way every time. I will be discussing this with the students and giving them numerous examples of how it applies to both academics and behavior.

I’m sure you agree that the classroom should be a place that is encouraging and conducive to learning at all times. I want to support an environment where our young people develop positive attitudes and behavioral skills that are necessary for successful lives.

We also have "Monkey Money" which is used as a token economy. The money will also be used to pay fines if they break the rules as well as given for good choices and behaviors.

Don't forget to check your child's behavior calendar in their daily folder each day and initial it. If your child breaks a rule below they will not get a stamp in their daily behavior folder. It's very important to speak to your child about his or her day and talk about appropriate school behavior.

Rules of Conduct

§ Listen when teacher or classmate is talking

§ Follow directions quickly

§ Keep your hands and feet to yourself

§ Raise your hand to speak and stand

§ Be safe, be kind, be honest

§ Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school


§ -1 Dojo Point: Behavior Reflection sheet

§ -2 Dojo Points: 5 minutes of recess or 5 Jungle bucks, Fill out a behavior reflection sheet

§ -3 Dojo Points: 10 minutes of recess or 5 more jungle bucks, Fill out a behavior reflection sheet (This must be signed by parent and returned to school the following day.)

§ -4 or more Dojo Points: Loss of all recess, and fill out a behavior reflection sheet. A loss of 4 or more points may result in a phone call to parents, referral to principal, lunch detention, or loss of privileges depending on the severity.

§ ****All severe violations: Sent immediately to Principal


§ Notes, stickers, certificates, coupons, extra recess, etc. will be given throughout the year

§ Tangible reinforcers