Homework Policy


I thought it would be helpful to give you an overview of my classroom homework policy so that we can develop a common ground related to expectations. The children will be given a math packet at the beginning of the topic. I expect that to be turned in the day of the test. This must be completed in order for retesting to occur. I list what math lesson we are on and they will write it in their planner. They are expected to read each night as a part of their homework. Homework is given to accomplish one or more of the following purposes.

v Homework is given to practice skills that have been taught in the classroom.

v Homework is given to extend or develop understandings or concepts

v Homework is given to establish a connection of parent as teacher, if the student needs assistance.

v Homework is given if a student is absent and misses assignments

v Homework is given if work is not completed during allotted class time.

I view homework as an important part of your child’s development as a learner. Responsibility for homework should be taken very seriously. It is important to do homework and hand it in the following day. At times we all make mistakes, something comes up, or we just plain forget! If homework is forgotten I expect that it will be done during playtime or at home that evening.

Homework will be transported to and from school in the Daily (front pocket ) so that papers do not get crumpled. Name and date is expected on every paper. If an assignment is turned in sloppy, it will not be accepted. Neatness is very, very important. When you review your child’s homework, if it is sloppy or not done to the best of his/her ability, please ask that it be done over.

Assignments that come home as homework are skills or concepts that have been covered in the classroom. I do not assign new concepts for homework. If your child is having difficulty with an assignment I encourage you to lend a hand. This is a terrific opportunity for you to see what your child knows. If you think more assistance was needed than necessary or taking longer than 30 minutes, make a note in his/her homework folder. This note is of great importance because it will indicate that I need to reteach the skill before we have a test.

When your child finishes homework please take a moment to look it over and guide your child in correcting any errors. If homework is approached in this manner you will be able to monitor your child’s work progress on a weekly basis. You will also become aware of your child’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as help your child develop good study habits and initiative to become life-long learners.

I do expect all students to do their homework. Students that need more time may work on their assignment during recess or after school if you make arrangements with me ahead of time.

Homework Tips for Third Graders:

• All homework should be completed in pencil.

• All work must be labeled with your name and the date.

• Your work should be neatly and carefully written so that it is easy to read.

• Paper should not be torn from spiral notebooks

• Keep your homework clean and unwrinkled.

• Be sure to check over/edit your work and have an adult check it to be sure you have completed your work.

• When writing, be sure to use your own words.

§ Remember to always do your best!!

***. Remember - Our goal for third grade is to become STARS (Students Taking Academic Responsibility