
Naviance Lessons

Counselors work with students grades 9-11 on activities that will further their understanding of their post-secondary options, using Naviance as a tool. At different times throughout the year, counselors will present information about these options to students, and students will apply that new knowledge to their individual plan using an activity in Naviance. These activities are required as part of the Career Development credit for graduation.

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Naviance Lessons by Grade-level

9th Grade Activities:

Freshmen are encouraged to begin or continue exploring their options and interests through electives, community service, careers of family and friends and through their own research. Students complete the Strengths Explorer activity which aims to take activities they enjoy and provide career options that match. This allows students to find realistic options that consider who the student is at the time.

Strengths Explorer Instructions

10th Grade Activities:

Sophomores have a year of high school under their belt, so we want them taking one step farther in the process of developing a plan. Students will complete the Cluster Finder activity, which takes activities of interest, personal qualities and favorite school subjects and matches students to groups of careers. This allows students to explore options related to more common careers that they are used to hearing about that may be a better fit for them. In addition, students create a resume and learn how to use this tool.

Career Cluster Instructions

Resume Builder Form

Resume Example

Resume Sample- No Work Experience

Resume Sample- Work Experience

​11th Grade Activities:

Juniors need to be taking steps to narrow down their plans and consider what is realistic based not only on their interests, but sometimes on their academic performance in high school so far as well. Through the College SuperMatch activity, students explore the many factors of the college selection process and find schools that fit their particular criteria. Schools show a percentage of how well they meet the student's criteria, multiple schools can be directly compared to each other and individual schools can be saved to their profile to be explored later.

College Super Match Instructions