Unit 1: Thinking like a Historian

Thinking Like An Historian LT & SCs Poster - Google Docs.pdf

Essential Vocabulary for this unit

AD/CE - abbreviation for the Latin phrase anno domini (meaning in the year of our Lord) for the period of time after Christ was born, referred to as the “common era” in the modern secular calendar

BC/BCE - abbreviation for the period of time before Christ was born, referred to as “before common era” in the modern secular calendar

Archaeology - the study of the past based on what people left behind

Artifact - objects created and used by humans

Chronology - the arrangement of events or dates in the order they happened

Cultural Institution - organization within a culture that works to preserve it: government, economics, religion, language, education, family, beliefs, etc.

Culture - the knowledge, beliefs, customs, and values of a group of people

Era - a period in history with a distinct feature or characteristic

Fossil - a part or imprint of something that was once alive

History - the study of the past

Primary Source - An account of an event created by someone who took part in it or witnessed the event

Secondary Source - Information gathered by someone who did not take part in or witness an event

Resources to help study

Unit 1 Study Guide
Primary or Secondary Source
Is this an Era?
Fossil or Artifact
Cultural Institution