12/11/2020 (absent)

Daily Agenda Summary

Students will spend the period going over the third section of the novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. They will discuss and go over what happened, and then work on their characterization webs on Google Slides

  • Essential Question for this unit: How do the people around us influence our identities?


Work Period:

  1. Due to my absence, I am posting series of questions for you to answer for Chapters 3 and 4, and Chapters 5 and 6 so that you can review what happens in the story and I can judge your understanding. Please check Google Classroom for copies of the questions and directions on how to respond. These will each be worth 10 points.


    • Students will work on filling out at least 2 of the boxes for Andy and Red on the characterization chart.