(Oct 1998) US Navy Milestone In Developing DNA Vaccine (Vical) Stephen Hoffman; Daniel CarucciLive4 / BitChute / Odysee / Rumble [Mar 2022] Li-Meng Yan Interview: “Chinese unrestricted biowarfare” vs “The USA and DoD did it”HV01B7 BitChute / Odysee / Rumble "Cracking the code of life" PBS Nova Boston (April 17 2001 airing) Eric Lander Craig Venter HGPHG00JL *Youtube / BitChute / Odysee / Rumble / Stream.GigaOhm.Bio GigaOhm Jul 9 2024: Jon Wolff, Joshua Lederberg redefine "human genetic engineering" "gene therapy"HV01AC BitChute / Odysee / Rumble "Kevin McKernan, Apr 24 2020 Study Hall" - Gigaohm Biological 4.5 hour epic commentary (2024 May 22) BitChute / Odysee / Rumble Red Pill Expo 2024: Jonathan Couey "Impossibility of an RNA Pandemic" (Gigaohm Biological June 15) BitChute / Odysee / Rumble [2021 Aug 29] Did "CV" spread by Chinese people scavenging dead lab animals from the lab for lunch? BitChute / Odysee / Rumble FOREVER CLUB: Every 11 minutes (Murderers wont say 500,000 OD deaths in 5 years is part of pandemic) BitChute / Odysee / Rumble Dr Malik too busy to highlight oxygen toxicity; Housatonic interview falls short of his standardsLive2 / BitChute / Odysee / Rumble 2005 New England Summer Nationals - 1966 Chevrolet Impala Wagon burnout EPICLive4 / Rumble Unseen Enemy (2017) [No longer available on Amazon / Censored on Youtube] BitChute / Odysee / Rumble (Apr 2017) "Repurposing Drugs to Tackle Emerging Infectious Disease" (Robert Malone DOMANE preview?)HV016K (2024 share) *Youtube / BitChute / Odysee / Rumble (Apr 2017) "Compounds against Zika?" (Contagion / Robert Malone / Ivermectin / tapeworms )HV016I (2024 share) *Youtube / BitChute / Odysee / Rumble 2020 (March 02) : USA White House Trump roundtable (Coronavirus / Inovio / mrna vaccine ) BitChute / Odysee / Rumble 2020 (April 10) Cameron Kyle-Sidell highlights 40 L/min Oxygen In New York City NYC COVID19HT00CP BitChute / Odysee / Rumble “They come in with low oxygen, and that sets off a chain of events [leading to symptoms of COVID]"HM00CJ BitChute / Odysee / Rumble (2021, Sep 17) “Oxygen tank, concentrator shortage means hospital guests staying longer than needed” BitChute / Odysee / Rumble "A Good Death (DOC-UK) Study Hall" (Apr 26 2024) Gigaohm Biological Oxygen CV19 protocols (clipped) BitChute / Odysee / Rumble "Tranq, Fentanyl, and More - ENDEVR Doc Study Hall" (May 8 2024) Gigaohm Biological (clipped) BitChute / Odysee / Rumble Tom Clancy (phone) Judith Miller Wesley Clark LIVE September 11 2001 evening (Charlie Rose 911)HV01BTLive2 / BitChute / Odysee / Rumble The Population Pyramid meets Hyperoxia (16 SEP 2024) Jonathan Couey GIgaohm Biological BitChute / Odysee / Rumble Margaret "Peggy" Hamburg, Stephen Morse (May 1995) "Ebola outbreak in Zaire" Charlie Rose (FDA NYC)HV01BL BitChute / Odysee / Rumble Peter Hotez Jeffrey Sachs Paul Nurse (Oct 2007) "Global Health" Charlie Rose (Science series)HV01BHLive2 / BitChute / Odysee / Rumble "Preventing Genocide" Jeffrey Sachs, David Hamburg, Sam Nunn, Kofi Annan, Desmond Tutu [2009]HV01BFLive2 / BitChute / Odysee / Rumble Interview w/ Judy Mikovits and Annette Whittemore (WPI) about XMRV [2009, Oct 8] Nevada Newsmakers BitChute / Odysee / Rumble (Aug 19 2021) Tulsa pulmonologist Brian Worley "sees young families divided by COVID death" Oklahoma🟥Live4 / BitChute / Odysee / Rumble (Oct 10 1968) Joshua Lederberg: "Genetics and ethics" on public radio (KUT Longhorn, Texas) BitChute / Odysee / Rumble 2023 (Jan) Stockholm Pandemic Conference: Robert Malone "Fifth generation warfare and sovereignty"HV019Q BitChute / Odysee / *Rumble 2023 (Jan) Stockholm Pandemic Conference panel: Latypova Robert Malone Meryl Nass Aseem MalhotraHV019W BitChute / Odysee / *Rumble 2023 (Jan) Stockholm Pandemic Conference: Alexandra Latypova "Evidence for an intent to harm"HV019T BitChute / Odysee / *Rumble 2023(Jan) Stockholm Pandemic Conference: Pierre Kory "Propaganda censorship effective generic drugs"HV019Z BitChute / Odysee / *Rumble 1981 WWOR (WOR) New York City Sign-on, with Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem BitChute / Odysee [Sep 2024] Leslie Batts, Peggy Hokett) "Elephant in the Room" JJ Humphrey and Bobby ClevelandHV01BX BitChute / Odysee / Rumble [1992] "Survivors of Josef Mengele's Twin Experiments" (60 Minutes Rewind) WW2 HolocaustHV01CC BitChute / Odysee / Rumble [1992] "Survivors of Josef Mengele's Twin Experiments" (60 Minutes Rewind) WW2 HolocaustHV01CC BitChute / Odysee / Rumble FBI agent debunks school shooting conspiracy theoriesHV01C7 Odysee APS-13 (transmitter/receiver) ANTENNA would NOT have supported LITTLE BOY BOMB (Hiroshima)mv01 / HV01CEBitchute / Odysee / Rumble 9,700lbs bomb suspended on cheap ceiling chain with a single hook? It is all just a movie prop.mv04 / HV01CIBitchute / Odysee / Rumble The 66 bombers sent to Imabari on August 5 1945 most likely firebombed Hiroshima (similar to tokyo)mv08 / HV01CMBitchute / Odysee / Rumble There were no flat concrete-block buildings at Tinian - Little Boy nuke pics from a movie set!mv07 / HV01CKBitchute / Odysee / Rumble American psycho dissolve technique: Wolfman and Little Boy, SLOWED Priesthoodagitatormv17 / HV01DABitchute / Odysee / Rumble Hiroshima bombed 10pm August 5, NOT 8:15am August 6 ... and they lied to Trumanmv36 / HV01CQBitchute / Odysee / Rumble The Trinity site, torched rebar, and no crater - There was no explosion there (PriesthoodAgitator)mv38 / HV01DC Bitchute / Odysee / Rumble 200 bombers seen over Hiroshima, Aug 6 1945; Evacuation orders 8hrs BEFORE bomb (John Hersey)mv44 / HV01CXBitchute / Odysee / Rumble [1945] The “gelled gasoline” used to firebomb Tokyo, Imabari, and Hiroshimamv11 / HV01CO Bitchute / Odysee / Rumble William Cooper - Lansing Michigan Lecture (1996) ( Bill Cooper ) - The documented truth is dangerousHV01DE Bitchute / Odysee / Rumble FDA at 75, 1906-1981: Pioneers in Consumer Protection (PHS FDA, 1981)HG00JG Bitchute / Odysee / Rumble [2021 Jul 17] Paul Cottrell / Leo Zagami / The Global Enlightenment Radio Network / Dr Bus Rider MDHV0192 GDrive [2021 Jul 10] Paul Cottrell / Leo Zagami / The Global Enlightenment Radio Network / Dr Bus Rider MD HV018Y GDrive [2021 July 07] Robert Malone / J6 Darrell Neely / Dan Perkins / Black & White Global EnlightenmentHV017S Bitchute / Odysee / Rumble [2021 Aug 3] Robert Malone / J6 Darrell Neely / Dan Perkins / Black & White Global EnlightenmentHV018G Bitchute / Odysee / Rumble [2021 Jul 31] Paul Cottrell / Leo Zagami / Global Enlightenment Dr Bus Rider MD (AIDS epidemic soon)HV018U Bitchute / Odysee / Rumble [2021 Oct 22] Paul Cottrell / Leo Zagami / J6 Darrell Neely on Global Enlightenment Dr Bus Rider MDHV018K Bitchute / Odysee / Rumble [2021 Jun 29] Leo Zagami / 1st appearance on The Global Enlightenment Radio NetworkHV018C GDrive [2021 Aug 11] Robert Malone / Paul Cottrell / J6 Darrell Neely / Global Enlightenment Radio NetworkHV0181 Bitchute / Odysee / Rumble [2021 Aug 29] Robert Malone / J6 Darrell Neely / Dan Perkins / Black & White Global EnlightenmentHV017X GDrive [2021 July 01] Paul Cottrell interview setup / J6 Darrell Neely Global Enlightenment Dr Bus Rider MDHV017G GDrive [2021 July 01] Paul Cottrell interview (4hr) / J6 Darrell Neely Global Enlightenment Dr Bus Rider MDHV017J GDrive Steve Bannon War Room Pandemic clips, MediaMatters [Jan 25 2020 - Feb 2 2020] HatfillHM00DE Bitchute / Odysee / Rumble