Oxygen and CV19 protocols

Oxygen and CV19 protocols playlist on Odysee and on BitChute

Oxygen toxicity Bitchute  /  OdyseeRumble
2020 (April 10) Cameron Kyle-Sidell highlights 40 L/min Oxygen In New York City NYC COVID19🟥Live3  /  BitChute  /  Odysee  /  Rumble 
Interview w/ Leslie Batts (Ep 254.1) - Husband lost to COVID protocols (oxygen, fentanyl) BitChute  /  Odysee  /  Rumble 
"A little bit of oxygen" in March/April 2020 (Business Insider articles) Ep #931 (v2) Bitchute  /  OdyseeRumble
The oximeter (and ivermectin?) psyop - We all got fooled Bitchute  /  OdyseeRumble
2020 (Apr 20) Kevin McCairn pinned Tweet is "high flow oxygen" NYC Kyle-Sidell (GigaOhm Biological) Bitchute  /  OdyseeRumble
More evidence Kory was not in NYC in June-aug 2020 - And referenced Kyle Sidell? Bitchute  /  OdyseeRumble
"Just saving" .. Capturing April 2020 videos of lethal oxygen use in New York City (Ep 258.4) Bitchute  /  OdyseeRumble
Cancelled trials regarding benefits of less oxygen for CV19 (EP 258.3) hospital protocols COVID19  Bitchute  /  OdyseeRumble
Nitric oxide used on some CV patients in NYC in April 2020 (Ep 258.5) Oxygen toxicity protocols BitChute  /  Odysee  /  Rumble 
Oxygen-induced ARDS : Looks like “COVID pneumonia"! (Ep 258.6) BitChute  /  Odysee  /  Rumble 
“They come in with low oxygen, and that sets off a chain of events [leading to symptoms of COVID]"Live3  /  BitChute  /  Odysee  /  Rumble 
(2021, Sep 17) “Oxygen tank, concentrator shortage means hospital guests staying longer than needed” BitChute  /  Odysee  /  Rumble 
What really caused COVID pneumonia (Ep 258.7.2) BitChute  /  Odysee  /  Rumble 
"A Good Death (DOC-UK) Study Hall" (Apr 26 2024) Gigaohm Biological Oxygen CV19 protocols (clipped) BitChute  /  Odysee  /  Rumble 
Dr Malik too busy to highlight oxygen toxicity; Housatonic interview falls short of his standardsLive2  /  BitChute  /  Odysee  /  Rumble 
(Aug 19 2021) Tulsa pulmonologist Brian Worley "sees young families divided by COVID death" Oklahoma🟥Live4  /  BitChute  /  Odysee  /  Rumble