Biology KS5

Exam questions

Each of the modules below match the objective sheet packs. Look out for the micro Walking Talking Mocks (mWTMs), video explanations of exam questions. At the bottom of the page are a number of stretch high demand questions and skills packs grouped by A2 Exam paper.

We will set reminders to complete these packs on teams, but you should be completing each as soon as you finish the relevant objective sheet section.

Assessments Year 12

In year 12 you will have 6 assessment points. Numbers in the table below refer to topics further down the page.

Term 1 Induction  21st Sept - Head start guide

Term 2 Membranes and Molecules (2,4) 11th December

Term 3 Mock Exams (1,2,3,4,4.1, 4.2) 4th January

Term 4 Heart and Lungs (5,6) 4th March

Term 5 Module 2 (1,2,3,4,4.1, 4.2) 13th May

Term 6 Mock exams (Breadth in Biology 1-10) 11th June 2024 (please check Arbor though)

Assessments Year 13

In year 13, we are getting ready for the final exams. We will have several assessments to help ensure no knowledge is forgotten. 

Term 1 - 11th September - Depth in Biology (1-4.2)

Term 1 - 16th October - Everything plants (7, 12, 20)

Term 2 - 4th December - Everything animals (13,14,15)

Term 3 - 4th January - Mock exam - Biological Processes (1-7 + 11-15,17, 20 (Modules 1,2, 3 and 5)

Term 4 - 4th March - Ecology (8,9,10)

Term 5-6 - Oh pants its the real thing...

Course rota

Please see the Excel file in teams

PAG Support

There are 12 Practical Assessment Groups (PAGs). Each tests a different skill. You must complete at least 1 PAG from each skill area and cover some core skills that feature in all PAG skills multiple times. 

The practicla content is also assessed in Exams. To help you revise this content, these online practicals are a great help. 

PAG Mindmap NEW

Focus LearningÂ