
The most successful students are ones who focus their learning on what they DO NOT know.

They go through 3 stages of learning

  1. Upload - Read, Watch, Listen to new information
  2. Transform - Write out the information in a new way in a knowledge organiser without simply copying. A knowledge organiser is condensed summary of your learning that is on one page. This could be a mindmap, flash card or any of the other templates below.
  3. Download - Test yourself through a quiz or practice question to make sure you have understood it.


Pick a topic

Use Seneca or Doddle

And complete an activity

Your teacher will have assigned some activities on Doddle that match your test


Choose how you will summarize the information

Make a mindmap or download our templates

Use our revision template


Test yourself:

  • Complete the doddle quizzes that match your learning
  • Complete an exam bank pack on a topic you have revised