Conventions of Composition Rule 24 Practice

1. Wrong as a student's essay's title: the adventures of huckleberry finn

Better: Huck's Anti-Racist Education with Jim

Explanation: While The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a great title, Mark Twain used it already. You need your own title for your essay, ideally one that gives some hint of what your essay is about.

2. Wrong as student's essay's title: into one ear out the other

Better: Into One Ear; Out the Other

Explanation: Your essay's title should be capitalized, except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.

3. Wrong as a student's essay's title: best 45 minutes of my life english last tuesday

Better: Best Forty-five Minutes of My Life: English Last Tuesday

Explanation: While the words of this (obviously non-fiction) essay's title are fine, they need to follow the rules of capitalization and spelling out numbers.