Conventions of Composition Rule 100

Rule: Indicative sentences end with a period. Interrogative sentences end with a question mark. Exclamations end with an exclamation mark. Following the end mark, leave a space before the next sentence, but do not leave any space between the last word in the sentence and the end mark.


Wrong: Has anyone ever come close to playing as well as Jordan

Better: Has anyone ever come close to playing as well as Jordan?

Wrong: She told me, "Don't go into the park at night"

Better: She told me, "Don't go into the park at night."

Wrong: She told me.I didn't want to listen.

Better: She told me. I didn't want to listen.

Practice punctuating the following sentences:

  1. Rob and Connie brought their children to Disney
  2. Did Dan and Renee really meet when they both worked as EMTs
  3. I was looking at that website that said, "Jeremy and Kristen take care of fifty pets"
  4. Mark and Chris are both doctors.They both work in New York

Resources for further explanation of terminal punctuation:

Grammarly's End of Sentence Punctuation

The Punctuation Guide's Terminal Points