Conventions of Composition Rule 217 Practice

1. Wrong: He recommended that I take the 30,000 foot view and then give it the old college try.

Better: He recommended that I consider the problem from a wider perspective than I had and then try my hardest to solve it.

Explanation: Way too many people say 30,000 foot view and old college try; instead, use your own wording.

2. Wrong: We didn't really see eye to eye, so I did my own thing.

Better: We had different ideas about the issue, so I followed my plan.

Explanation: If you've heard more than two people use an expression, it's probably a cliche your writing would be more interesting without.

3. Wrong: Last, but not least, I think the world of my better half.

Better: Finally, I want to say that my husband makes my life better every day.

Explanation: You've probably heard others say, "last but not least" and "think the world of" and "my better half" because they're all overused expressions. Come up with your own way of sharing these thoughts.