Conventions of Composition Rule 124 Practice

1. Wrong: We wanted to purchase the seven year old car because it was dirt cheap.

Better: We wanted to purchase the seven-year-old car because it was dirt-cheap.

Explanation: Each of the hyphenated words is a multi-word adjective.

2. Wrong: The top of the line model costs more than the new to me junk heap he tried to sell me.

Better: The top-of-the-line model costs more than the new-to-me junk heap he tried to sell.

Explanation: Both multi-word adjectives need hyphens.

3. Wrong: We want to air condition the larger than life English Wing in the Main Building.

Better: We want to air condition the larger-than-life English Wing in the Main Building.

Explanation: Larger-than-life all works together as one adjective, which is why it needs hyphens.