Conventions of Composition Rule 9 Practice

1. Wrong: If he trains his dog to joggle (jog and juggle simultaneously) he could make a lot of money.

Better: If he trains his dog to joggle (jog and juggle simultaneously), he could make a lot of money.

Explanation: "If he trains his dog to joggle" is an introductory adverbial clause.

2. Correct: Craig would love to sing in the musical if he gets a starring role.

Explanation: Because the adverbial clause comes at the end of the sentence, it does not need to be separated with commas.

3. Correct: Buying a new car can cause stress when money becomes tight.

Explanation: Because the adverbial clause follows the independent clause, it doesn't need to be preceded with a comma.

4. Wrong: Because she understood fractals she aced the exam.

Better: Because she understood fractals, she aced the exam.

Explanation: The first four words make an adverbial clause, so they need to be separated with a comma.