Period Facts & Myths

A key part of combatting period poverty is increasing education on what periods are and how they should or shouldn't be dealt with. We have found some common ideas held by people about their periods, and this page will explain the truth behind them.

About Periods

  • Periods usually start at age 11-14 and continue until menopause at about age 51

  • Your cycle lasts 28 days and bleeding usually lasts around 3-5 days

  • Typical symptoms include bloating, breast tenderness, mood swings, feeling irritable, muscle aches, headache, acne

  • There are a variety of different period products you can use and experiment with to find what works best for you including : disposable pads, reusable pads, tampons, menstrual cups, period underwear

  • Your period blood colour can vary throughout different stages of your period

  • For more information on all, you need to know about periods, including products that can be used, visit


There's one best way to deal with period blood.


There are many different methods for dealing with period blood, including pads, tampons, menstrual cups and reusable period underwear. Each of these have their own pros and cons, and everyone may find a different method the most comfortable. There is no one right choice! (Chester County Hospital, 2019)


Period blood is dirty.


Some see menstruators as "unclean", however, period blood is just a combination of blood, tissue and mucus lining - nothing dirty about it (Pandia Health 2022).


You shouldn't have a bath on your period


There is nothing wrong with bathing while menstruating - in fact, it can even relieve menstrual symptoms, improve mood and be a more sanitary way to clean yourself and reduce infection risk (Medical News Today, 2019)