Why Should I Care As A Non-menstruator?

Access to period products and sanitary facilities is a human right!

Period poverty can create a knock on effect that impacts an individual's standard of living and quality of life; whether it be an individuals mental health, physical health, their education, or ability to work etc.

Educating menstruators and non-menstruators separately can perpetuate the aura of stigma and add to the mystery of the topic. Therefore, through a greater understanding you can help reduce the "taboo" and change the culture of shame and embarrassment.

You should always be supportive to all menstruators even if you do not bleed yourself. This helps to erase taboos that surround periods and encourage conversations surrounding gender equality.

Always be kind if someone you know is on their period. Hormonal imbalances and other symptoms can cause physiological changes, however, this is not an invite for misogynistic comments!

There are ways in which you can help menstruators such as by donating to charities, signing petitions, educating yourself and others through videos and podcasts and supporting sustainable organisations.