

Our Current Partner

Jeyetna - a Lebanese intersectional feminist collective fighting for menstrual rights and equity.

  • they tackle period poverty in a holistic way through product distribution, awareness, and education

  • By breaking the taboo and starting conversations they strive to shift the topic of periods from a personal issue to a collective one

The Crisis in Lebanon:

  • In Lebanon, the unprecedented economic crisis has left the majority of people in poverty.

  • The 500% increase in prices of period products means that 80% of women can no longer afford the necessary products to manage their periods:

    • a box of period pads now costs at least 20,000 Lebanese Lira which accounts for 10% of the minimum wage

The Story of Jeyetna

Jeyetna was born in 2021 when Evelina Llewellyn, a feminist film director, addressed Period Poverty in a 67-minute documentary called “جييتنا”. The documentary breaks the silence on periods in Lebanon through 10 intimate portraits of women aged 11 to 65, drawn from a wide variety of social and geographic backgrounds, ensuring that all narratives are included.

Building on the momentum of the documentary, our team of 9 women organised a country-wide mobile festival during the summer of 2021 targeting 12 different locations as a way of creating conversations around period poverty and providing a safe space for those who need it most.

The festival was centred around the screening of the documentary and hosted a marketplace providing education and free period products as well as a “safe space” for women to access medical consultancies by gynecologists and medical students. Each event was tailored to women concerned, with themed focus groups, stand-up comedy and workshops. Jeyetna collaborated with local women’s rights NGOs who brought their expertise to the events.

Since July 2021, 1200 women have participated in our events. Jeyetna distributed thousands of products around Lebanon and created short term employment to over 30 women

How you can help:

You can donate below on our gofundme page:

- 4€ = 1 box of disposable tampons

- 5€ = 1 Hot water bottle

- 7€ = 1 Menstrual cup (lasts up to 10 years)

- 21€ = 1 Pack of reusable pads: (lasts up to 3 years, includes the cost of labour undertaken by refugee women in Shatila Camp with the organisation Wing Women Lebanon)

- 30€ = 1 pair of period pants