Weekly Problem Solving

Term 1

Noticing Number Term 1

Week 10

From now till the end of term we are focusing on addition and subtraction.

We are learning to...

...remember what numbers represent in their place value.

...add and subtract using different strategies.

Addition & Subtraction - Stage E5 / Level 2B

THIS WEEK You need to:

  • Make a copy of both slides and save them into your maths folder.

  • Complete add in parts first and then post it on your blog.

  • Begin your addition and subtraction slide. It does not need to be completed until next week.

Adding in Parts

Week 9

We are learning to:

  1. Make a probability statement.

  2. Gather data

  3. Graph our data

  4. Revise or confirm our probability statement.

THIS WEEK You need to:

  • Finish graphing your data from your probability spinner.

  • Make a statement that confirms or revises your first prediction.

  • Post a picture of your graph or imbed your digital graph on your blog.

  • Glue the three probability worksheets into your math book and complete the questions.

Week 7 + 8

You can't make the best probability statement without having some data.

You can do two things:

You can gather some data and then make a probability prediction based on your data. For example: It was 21 degrees on Monday, 19 degrees on Tuesday, 24 degrees on Wednesday and 17 degrees on Thursday. What is the probability that Friday will be warmer than 20 degrees?

We can make a prediction based on what we already know. I think it is probable that I could beat Miss Scott at a running race because she has an old basketball injury in her knee. Then we can test this prediction by gathering data. I go outside and race Miss Scott 3 times. I need to do it more than once because the more data I have the more accurate my prediction will be. I can then use the amount of times that I won or lost to prove if my original prediction was accurate or change my original prediction so that it is more accurate.

THIS WEEK You need to:

  • Make a probability spinner and graph the data you record. Does it prove your prediction? Finish your spinner.

  • Make a probability flip book to make predictions and then take them home to record your data.

  • Post your probability explanation on your blog. Make sure this is finished and be ready to share.

  • Try the ball picking machine game.

  • Watch the videos again.

Week 6

This week we are learning all about probability.

Probability is the chance that something will happen, or how likely it is that an event will occur. When we toss a coin in the air, we use the word probability to refer to how likely it is that the coin will land with the heads side up.

THIS WEEK You need to:

  • Draw a probability scale

  • Create 3 probability questions

  • Create to explain probability

  • Post your probability explanation on your blog

  • Try the probability games on the right

  • Watch the videos again

Week 5

This week our focus in our maths groups and partners is to listen and clarify by repeating what our partner says.

THIS WEEK You need to:

  • Complete my halves to 20 video or poster.

  • Complete Dots and Legs on slide 11 for Noticing Number

  • Complete my assigned Mathletics tasks.

Halves and Quarters

Week 4

This week our focus in our maths groups and partners is to listen and clarify by repeating what our partner says.

THIS WEEK You need to:

  • Complete my halves to 20 activities.

  • Complete my Hearts Pattern Pieces for Noticing Number

  • Complete my assigned Mathletics tasks.

Halves and Quarters

Week 3

Number Knowledge

Basic facts and pretty much everything you can remember by memory about maths is number knowledge.

We are learning to understand time.

We are learning to identify and read decimals.

We are learning to count in decimals.

Noticing Number

Our noticing number boards are something that we do each week. The first goal is to notice what maths is going on. This involves looking, reading the questions and identifying the maths. This week we are learning how to use our noticing number board and complete it independently.

THIS WEEK You need to:

  • Complete my halves to 20 activities.

  • Complete my Noticing Number

  • Complete my assigned Mathletics tasks.

Halves and Quarters

Week 2

Let's just get started with maths. Maths can be all sorts of things and is imbedded in everything we do everyday. How much water do you think you use when you brush your teeth? How long do you spend brushing your teeth? Oh man... how long do you think a person spends brushing their teeth in a lifetime? Hmmm... what is the difference in the cost of dental bills for someone who brushes their teeth compared to someone who doesn't?

What is maths? Activity

Look through the magazines and cut out any image that you can relate to maths. In a felt pen beside it write down how you think it is connected to maths. Check out the video below to see what to do.

Maths in Everyday Life.mp4

What is maths? Screencastify

What do you think maths is and how do you feel about it? You can write your ideas down on your chromebook, on a whiteboard or using speech to text. You could just say your idea too. Screencastify yourself sharing what maths is to you. Practice saying your idea a few times first and get a friend to help. Post this on your blog too. Check out the video below to see what to do.

THIS WEEK You need to:

  • Complete your 'What is Maths?' activity.

  • Take a photo of it and put it on your blog

  • Make a short screen-castify explaining what you think maths is. Put this on your blog post too.

We are learning to...

Read and interpret word problems...

... reading the question a few times

...explaining what we think it means to a group member and checking to see if their understanding is the same or different.

Explain our thinking by

...talking through the steps that I have used

...defending my strategy

Understand how others have solved a problem by

... listening to what they say

...repeating what someone has said to check my understanding

...agreeing or disagreeing with someone's solution and explaining why