Japan & China

The Empire of Japan

In the 1930s, Japan was one of the most powerful nations on Earth. Modern, industrialized, and with a large army and navy, Japan was ready to expand.

The goal? Kick out the Europeans, and be the rulers of East Asia and the South Pacific Ocean.

Japan claimed this was to "liberate" the people of Asia. In reality, Japan just wanted their resources, and would treat their fellow Asians with great brutality.

The Japanese committed war crimes against the people they conquered, such as slavery, rape, and murder, especially in China where millions died.

The Republic of China

In 1912, China's last Emperor was overthrown in a Revolution, ending 2,100 years of imperial rule.

In it's place, The Republic of China was created with a goal of modernizing the nation.

Instead, the Republic fought for control, as warlords divided up much of China and ignored the new government. In the north, communist soldiers under Mao Zedong (picture in center, above), fought to overthrow the Republic.

When Japan invaded in China in 1937, these different factions put aside their differences and promised to work together.

China, although huge in population, was weak, and would struggle for years to eject the Japanese army. In the mean time, the Japanese would routinely commit theft, rape, and murder of Chinese civilians, killing millions over many years of war.