
The Colonies of Africa

In the 1930s, almost all of Africa was apart of the European colonial empires.

France controlled most of West Africa, Britain controlled much of the East and South. Belgium had the Congo, Portugal had Angola and Mozambique, and Italy had Libya, Somalia, and Eritrea.

During World War I, many African colonies provided resources, money, and soldiers for the fight. In return, they hoped to be rewarded with freedom after the war. This did not happen. Africans, however, never stopped dreaming of freedom. In the 1930s, there were many protest movements demanding independence.

These protests were often met with violence by the Europeans to keep control. A revolution in Egypt in 1919 successfully made Egypt somewhat independent, although Britain still controlled their foreign affairs. This, however, was a rare success story.

If there was another World War, would Africa have to fight again?

And if so, would they finally get their independence in return? No one knew...