Our Organization System

Why do we have the binder?

Using one binder system is important because it helps us to develop or organization skills. In addition, having all of our materials in one place helps us to focus our time and energy on learning new things in our classes. Our binder system helps us to learn strategies to be more independent in managing our time, materials, and language.

What should be in my binder?

-Pencil case: 2 pencils, 2 blue or black erasable pens, 1 highlighter, 2 green pens, erasers, hand held pencil sharpener

-Homework Folder

-Homework Agenda

-Tabs: Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, Health, Reference

How to help at home:

-Replenish supplies as needed

-Make sure only homework is in the homework folder, put all other papers in to their appropriate sections in the tabs

-Take out papers that should stay home (notices to parents, corrected work)

-Use information and resources in the reference section when working on homework, as needed

Please do NOT remove any papers from the binder other than parent notices. Students will clear out each section of their binder weekly with teacher guidance.