Homework Policy

Why do we give homework?

Homework is given to students for different reasons.

  • To reinforce and practice new skills learned during the school day
  • To provide an opportunity for parents and guardians to see what their child is learning and express positive attitudes towards their child’s education
  • To help students develop personal skills such as time management, goal setting, and the skill of being organized
  • To create a learning partnership between home and school

How do teachers use homework?

We will use your homework to gauge how well you understand the material that has been taught in class. This is why it’s important that student homework should be completed by the student. We do not expect homework to be perfect! Additionally, homework completion is factored in to each student’s effort grade on his or her report card each term.

Homework Policy

Homework will be given Monday-Thursday, but will not be given out on holidays. The assignments are gone over daily before each child leaves. The required homework amount should take no longer than 30-40 minutes (not including long term projects). It is your child’s responsibility to pass in the assignments on time, unless something unexpectedly happens, or an emergency occurs. If this is the case, please write us a note explaining the situation and your child will be excused.

Any homework missed must be turned in the next school day. If homework completion becomes an issue, we will notify parents and come up with logical consequences.

No Tears!

If for any reason your child does not understand the homework and is feeling frustrated, please have YOUR CHILD write a note or send an e-mail explaining where they became confused and frustrated. I will be happy to sit down with him or her the next day and clear up any confusion.

Tips for Successful Homework Completion

Have a Plan

  • Check agenda and plan out what to do 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
  • Read directions carefully
  • Don’t save the hardest until the end
  • Long-Term Projects-do a little each night (Use a calendar to help plan it out.)
  • Estimate how much time each assignment will take
  • Decide when and where to take a break
  • Take out necessary materials for specific assignments


Create a “Student Office” Area

  • Well Supplied with pencils, pens, erasers, Math SRB, dictionary, thesaurus, ruler, markers/crayons, calculator, extra paper (lined, blank, and graph paper), tape, sticky notes, scissors, etc.
  • Room to Spread Out
  • Where a student does their homework should be a focused place to work with minimal distractions.

Correction vs. Supervision

  • Decide how much help your child needs
  • Ask your child to explain the homework task and how it relates to what they’ve done in school
  • Don’t hover
  • Check in with your child, but realize the homework doesn’t need to be perfect
  • Give encouragement first, then suggest “taking a look at” some of the incorrect pieces
  • Never let homework drag on all night