Camping Guide
Hiking/ Camping Packing List
Hiking/ Camping Packing List

Useful Links for Planning your Meals - for Patrol or Trails
Useful Links for Planning your Meals - for Patrol or Trails

Patrol Menu Planning Worksheet

Campfire Cookbook

Northern Tier Cold Weather

Northern Tier Warm Weather
Philmont Meal Menus
Philmont Meal Menus

Food for Philmont Showdown

Philmont Chuck Wagon Menu & Ingredients List

Philmont Breakfast Trail Food Menu

Phimont Lunch Food Menu

Philmont Dinner Trail Menu

Favorite Scout Meals
Meal Portion Guide
Meal Portion Guide
How much food per person…
This Servings and Portions Chart is a modified version of the one in the Boy Scouts Handbook. *typical portions – you can adjust these based on your knowledge of campers appetites.