Merit Badge Counselor Corner
Thank you for volunteering your time to support our program and help our scouts advance in their scouting careers. Your efforts make a difference in the life of all our scouts. Please find below some instructions and some resources to help you learn more about this important role.
Please follow ALL the steps below to submit your completed Merit Badge Counselor registration to Scouts BSA Hong Kong Troop 1.
The forms required are:
1) Completed YPT certificate - if you are a new volunteer please complete your YPT, which can be found on the MyScouting website here. For all new and returning Merit Badge counselors, your YPT must be valid through the entire year, (all the way to December 31st). Once complete, print or save to submit your YPT Certificate file. Adults who are currently registered in a Unit or District position may multiply register as a Merit Badge Counselor without providing a YPT Certificate. PLEASE NOTE, YOUR REGISTRATION AS AN ADULT LEADER/MERIT BADGE COUNSELOR WILL ONLY BE COMPLETED WHEN IT INCLUDES YOUR YPT CERTIFICATE VALID THROUGH THE ENTIRE CURRENT SCOUTING YEAR.
2) Completed Adult Application for Merit Badge Counselor position - dedicated one for Merit Badge Counselor position, please use position code 42 for Merit Badge Conselor, available for download here.
3) Completed Merit Badge Counselor Information Form, available for download here or by scrolling down.
4) Completed BSA Additional Disclosures and Background Check Authorization form, available here.
Once all these forms & certificate are complete, kindly send ALL FOUR DOCUMENTS via email to the following two email addresses: and, subject line Merit Badge Counselor Application + Your Full Name
Our troop will forward all your documents directly to FEC and take care of all follow ups.

Merit Badge Orientation and Adult Leader Training

Merit Badge Blue Card Program Explained

Merit Badge Counselor Information Form

Far East Council My Scouting Account Setup Guide