Dodge Park is close to Ginny’s heart. Living across the street from the park, she and her fellow neighbors suffered a devastating loss after the Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) infected its many oak trees, requiring their removal. During this time, Ginny noticed that a number of tree removal companies failed to notify homeowners before cutting down trees on their properties. Disheartened by this, she formed an Ad Hoc group with several neighbors to combat this issue.

Ginny says she noticed that the loss greatly affected the wind in the area. Prior to the ALB’s attack, the trees acted as a barricade, but without these trees, there was no protection from the wind. Ginny worked with Worcester Tree Initiative (WT) to restore the tree cover that Dodge Park had lost. The newly planted trees have identifying signs providing information on each tree’s species, mature height, and width, fruit type, as well as flower, bark, and autumn color. Out of all the trees, Ginny’s favorite is the Dogwood, so WTI made sure to plant one directly across the street from her house.

Today, Ginny still takes part in caring for Dodge Park. She picks up trash in the area to maintain the park for others to enjoy. Additionally, she continues the discussion of environmental engagement in her neighborhood, ensuring the beautification of the area. Ginny serves as a model to others, showing how individuals can act as leaders in their communities.

A Dogwood Tree in bloom
ALB caused large-scale tree removal in Worcester, MA