
If you have any questions or just want to touch base, please contact your student's reading or math intervention teacher.

Shelley Benusa-

Nancy Gillmore-

Shannon Krett-

Here are a few videos that we hope will help you understand some things to focus on when working on reading with your child at home. Please let us know if you have any questions about them or would like some more support from us during this time at home.

We miss you all very much and can't wait to start working together again in person!

In the meantime, here are some websites you can use to support your child's reading: Letter sounds and easy reading, Leveled Books, Read Alouds.

In this video Mrs. Benusa explains what you should look for when your child reads to you.

In this video Mrs. Gillmore explains how to help your child understand what they read and activities you can do together. Here's a link to a video to support younger readers. Here's a link to a video to support older readers. Also, here's a graphic to help explain reciprocal teaching.

In this video Mrs. Krett shares some tips for reading aloud to your child and why it is important at any age.

Enjoy this read aloud from Mrs. Krett