Updates on the concepts students are exploring as scientists!

Week One

Welcome 6th Grade Families to our first science newsletter! 

During our first week we got to know our 6th grade scientists and learned about them academically and personally. We spent the first three days learning about one another, reviewing classroom expectations and routines, discussing the different topics that will be covered this year, and collaborating with one another on a STEM challenge. Students also joined our Google Classroom. The students began working, communicating, and planning with their classmates through an activity that had the students create a structure  that is taller than it is wide using only pipe cleaners. Our classes' tallest structure was 48.1 cm! We also reviewed lab safety and expected behavior and followed it by a fun Kahoot. Week 2 will feature exploration of light and matter phenomenon. Mrs. Gabriele and I feel so lucky to have this great group of students to be working with and are excited to see all the amazing discoveries this group of scientists will find!