Game Design 2

In Game Design 2, students will build on their knowledge of video game design, including the core game design elements.  Students will program video games using various software, which may include scratch, coding with minecraft education edition, or a comparable learning software.  The course will continue to form a foundation of computer science through video game design, including, but not limited to, loops, debugging, conditionals, and functions.  Problem solving skills will be used throughout the course to debug lines of code to produce a functional video game.  Students will leave the course with a stronger understanding of the programming involved in video game design.  Students will build on their knowledge of video game careers to see how they can have a career related to video games.  

Minecraft Education Edition

Students will learn about design pillars, core loops, magic moments, and X statements in game design.  They will use their game design knowledge to design and create a game in MEE.  Students will also utilize MEE to master their coding skills and build the worlds and games in Minecraft using the code builder and agent. Students have the option of using block coding or python to create their interactive MEE worlds.  Students will program the world to enhance the player's overall experience. 


Continue to learn programming with teacher and computer guided lessons in REPLIT or CODE HS.  Students will learn an introduction to Python 3 and create a simple number guessing game.